Chapter One - Hell

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Years have passed since Lark, now named Cyclonis first awakened her Sharingan. Master Anarchis has put through through strict and unforgiving training to train her eyes so that she can rule the Cyclonian Empire. The only comfort she finds in her life is her childhood best friend Jeyne, who has become a renowned Talon. 

Cyclonis: Jeyne! 

Jenye: Lark!

The two childhood friends give each other a big hug. 

Cyclonis: I heard you became commander of a Talon Legion! 

Jeyne: I have! This means I technically serve you my dear friend! 

Cyclonis can't help but worry about her friend. The war between the Cyclonian Empire and the Sky Knights has been a costly one. She lost her mother. She didn't want to lose her best friend. Before Cyclonis could reply, a Talon interrupts them.

Talon: Commander Jeyne! Sky Knights are moving in on Cyclonia! They've been spotted in Terra Gale!

Jeyne: Assemble our forces! We move on the Sky Knights immediately!

Talon: Yes Commander!

The Talon rushed to assemble Jeyne's forces. Cyclonis's worries began to kick in. 

Cyclonis: you really have to go. You can find another to go in your place!

Jeyne: I can't. I've dedicated my life to the Cyclonian cause. I can't abandon it in it's time of need.

Cylconis knew that she couldn't change Jeyne's mind. Jeyne was dedicated to Cyclonia and there was no stopping her. Cyclonis then hugs her.

Cyclonis: Be careful. I've lost my mother. I don't want to lose you too!

Jeyne: You won't. I promise. 

Jeyne then left the room for Terra Gale. Cyclonis then walks outside the palace to sit at the edge of the mountain where she stared at the stars. She remembers her mother and proceeds to sing the lullaby her mother used to sing. 

Cyclonis(Singing): Summer Star, Why are you so red. Because, I had a sad dream last night. My eyes are red from the tears I've shed. Swollen as I cried. Summer Star, Why've you lost your way I'm searching for a child whose gone afar. She can't be found, though I've searched all day. My sad dreams come once more. Summer Star, I hope you could stay, but I know you must go once more. Do not weep a single tear, for I will always be with you, my little Summer Star. 

After she sang, Master Anarchis enters.

Master Anarchis: Cyclonis. We need to talk.

Cyclonis: What is it, grandmother? 

Master Anarchis: We have trained your eyes as far as it can go in it's current state. Now is that time that you must activate the second level of the Sharingan....the Mankgekyo. Few of our line have been able to awaken it.

Cyclonis: What must I do to awaken it?

Master Anarchis: There is one requirement, you must kill your best friend as I have.

Hearing that stunned Cyclonis as her thoughts drifted to her best friend. 

Cyclonis: can't! Jeyne has been like a sister to me! You can't ask me to kill her!

Master Anarchis: Our house is the strongest in all of Atmos. Such bonds hold you back. If you are to rule Cyclonia, then you must sever those bonds before they destroy you. You know I'm right Cyclonis! 

But before Cyclonis could say anything, a Talon rushed to Master Anarchis.

Talon: Master Anarchis! Our forces in Terra Gale are under fire! The Sky Knights are overwhelming them!

Cyclonis: (Jeyne! No!) 

Without a word, Cyclonis runs to a Skimmer and begins riding towards Terra Gale. She activates her Sharingan as she rides to the Terra. Once she reaches the Terra, she gets off her Skimmer and begins running to where the sound of battle can be heard.

Cyclonis: (Just a little bit farther! Jeyne! Hold on! Please hold on!)

After running for what seemed like a thousand miles, she reached the battle where Jeyne's Talon squadron is wiped out. She looks to see a Sky Knight plunging his Crystal Blade into Jeyne's chest. Seeing this shattered Cyclonis's world. Both friends gazed into each other.

Jeyne: L....L.....La....rk....

Jeyne then dies as Cyclonis is horrified by the sight. Tears streamed down her face as her eyes matured into the Mangekyo Sharingan. Sorrow was followed by rage as Cyclonis lets a deafening scream, catching the attention of the Sky Knights.

Sky Knight: The Cyclonians have sent reinforcements?!

Sky Knight Commander: She looks to be alone. Take her down.


Cyclonis then charges as a purple ethereal body began surrounding her. The Susanno forms around Cyclonis as she attacks the Sky Knights.

Sky Knight: What is that thing?! 

Sky Knight Commander: Kill it! Kill it!

As Cyclonis kills the Sky Knights with her Susanno, she deactivates it as she turns her wrath onto the Sky Knight who killed Jenye. She proceeds to beat him to death, screaming while she does. The Sky Knights who weren't killed by the Susanno were too scared to move in on her. When she finishes beating him to a bloody pulp, Cyclonis turns to the rest of the Sky Knights.


Black flames soon erupt and consume the Sky Knights, burning them alive as they scream. After finishing off the Sky Knights, Cyclonis walks to Jeyne's body and cradles it.

Cyclonis: Jeyne......not you too.....please......not you too.....JEYNE!!!!!!! (I'm......I'm in Hell. Hell.....)

Cyclonis then takes Jeyne's body out of Terra Gale and takes her to the fields where Cyclonis and Jeyne used to play and buries her there. As she mourns, Master Anarchis places her hand on Cyclonis's shoulder. She turns around, showing her grandmother her Mangekyo Eye. 

Master Anarchis: You have done well, Cyclonis.

Cyclonis said nothing as her world lies shattered before her. She had lost the last person she truly cared for. Now all she had left was her birth right. Cyclonis's eyes have seen Hell itself and all of Atmos shall soon know it's full power. 

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