Chapter Seven - The Infinite Tsukuyomi

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Months have passed since Master Cyclonis killed Danzo and war is rampant in Atmos. She unleashes the might of the Cyclonian Empire in an attempt to conquer it. Despite this, the Sky Knights fight back. On Terra Atmosia, Hiruzen gathers the Storm Hawks in a private meeting. 

Hiruzen: As you are all aware, the Master Cyclonis wages war with the intent of conquering all of Atmos.

Finn: We've seen that. 

Piper: What do you want us to do?

Hiruzen: What I'm about to say may seem unbelievable, but it's the truth.

Junko: What are you talking about?

Hiruzen: Master Cyclonis.....she wields the power of the Sharignan.

Upon hearing this, most of the Storm Hawks didn't know what to make of it. Piper however was aware of the Sharingan. She knew first hand of it's power.

Aerrow: The Sharingan? You mean of the Uchiha Clan? I thought they were wiped out centuries ago.

Hiruzen: I thought so as well, but I was wrong. It seems that Cyclonis herself holds that ancient power. 

Piper: I.....I know it...

Aerrow: What do you mean?

Piper: A few months ago, I ran into Cyclonis. She was disguised and she put in under an illusion. was like I was in another world. It last for what seemed to be hours. When she ended the illusion, it was as if time had not past at all.....

Piper felt chills running down her spine as she recalled that day. But as she did that, Hiruzen continued. 

Hiruzen: I looked through all of Danzo's notes on the subject.....

The Storm Hawks notices Hiruzen's sudden silence. After a long pause, Hiruzen continues going over what he saw in Danzo's notes.

Hiruzen: If what I read is correct, then Master Cyclonis plans to unleash.....the Infinite Tsukuyomi upon all of Atmos?

Stork: That sounds lovely......

Aerrow: What can you tell us about the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Hiruzen: Based on the notes, the Infinite Tsukuyomi casts an illusion on the world itself.

Upon hearing that, the Storm Hawks were stunned. They had never heard of an illusion being powerful enough to cover all of Atmos.

Finn: That's crazy! Even if this Sharingan is a powerful as you're saying it is, even Cyclonis wouldn't be able to pull that off!

Piper: Unless she had Crystals.....

As Piper said that, Finn was silenced. The situation just became more dire than it already was. 

Aerrow: And Master Cyclonis has all the Crystals she can we stop the Infinite Tsukuyomi? 

Hiruzen: Only those with the blood of Hashimara Senju can perhaps stop this.

Junko: Who's Hashirama Senju?

Hiruzen: Hashirama Senju was one of the first Sky Knights. He fought against Madara Uchiha in an earth shattering duel. Hashirama defeated Madara and restored peace in Atmos....for a time anyway.

Aerrow: Great! Where can be find him?

Hiruzen: He's standing in this room......Aerrow.

As Hiruzen said that, Aerrow was rendered speechless by the revelation. The other Storm Hawks had the same reaction as well.

Aerrow: W...what.....I.....

Hiruzen: It seemed that Danzo knew of this and kept this a secret. Why he would do so, I don't know. But as it stands, you Aerrow are the last of the Senju line. You must defeat Master Cyclonis and the shadow of Uchiha.

Aerrow accepted the heavy responsibility of defeating Master Cyclonis. Meanwhile, Master Cyclonis was overseeing the construction of a machine. She speaks to the head scientist.

Master Cyclonis: How much longer until the machine is finished?

Head Scientist: It is in it's final stages. It will be fully operational within the next few days. If I may be so bold, what do you intend to do with it?

Master Cyclonis looks at the machine being constructed. It was a generator that took Crystals to power it. She looked upon this machine with pride. 

Master Cyclonis: With this machine.....I can unleash the Infinite Tsukuyomi upon all of Atmos. All shall be set to it's natural order! 

Head Scientist: I can assure you that this machine will not fail you, Master Cyclonis! I stake my life on it!

Master Cyclonis: I hope so. For your sake. 

Master Cyclonis soon exited the lab and entered her personal quarters where Dark Ace was waiting.

Master Cyclonis: How fares the war, Dark Ace? 

Dark Ace: We're slowly battering the Sky Knights into submission! It won't be long until we crush them beneath our boot!

Master Cyclonis: When the Infinite Tsukuyomi is cast, the war will end.

Dark Ace: How can you be sure?

Master Cyclonis: With the machine being built, it shall grant me the power needed to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi. And when it's cast, all shall rest in a dream like state.

Dark Ace notices his master's words. He knew her not to mince words. But still, this brought his attention.

Dark Ace: And what of our forces? 

Master Cyclonis: Sacrifices must be made. The Infinite Tsukuyomi will not only end the war, but bring an end to conflict as we know it. But for that to become reality, sacrifices must be made. Will you accept that?

Dark Ace took a moment to think of this. He had no idea what the Infinite Tsukuyomi would bring. But he was loyal to his master.

Dark Ace: I shall see that your plan succeeds, Master Cyclonis. 

Master Cyclonis smiled at Dark Ace's display of loyalty. But as they speak, Ravess and Snipe overhear the conversation. They see this as an act of an insane child with too much power. Not wanting to die, the two plot against Master Cyclonis in an act of desperation and self preservation. This act of treason would no doubt shake the foundations of the Cyclonian War effort. 

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