Chapter Four - The Summit

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Danzo and Hiruzen arrived at Terra Klockstoppia via transport ship for the summit. They are greeted by Princess Perry.

Perry: Welcome to Terra Klockstoppia. 

Danzo: Thank you Princess. Now the summit begins. 

Moments later, Danzo and Hiruzen enter the chamber where the Summit is taking place. In the room are representatives of several Terras including other members of the Sky Knight Council. Meanwhile, Master Cyclonis secretly arrives at Terra Klockstoppia with her squadron of Nightcrawlers. 

Master Cyclonis: You all have your tasks. Take your positions and wait on my orders. Once you get the signal, attack.

The Nightcrawlers complied as Master Cyclonis made her way to the summit. Meanwhile, Danzo addresses the summit.

Danzo: Representatives of the free Terras of Atmos. As many of you know, the threat of the Cyclonian Empire looms ever larger. And with the Sharingan involved, the threat must now be addressed.

Upon hearing this, the representatives in the summit begin to mutter to themselves. After a moment, one of them addresses Danzo's words.

Regent: But Danzo, the Uchiha Clan were lost centuries ago. How can the Sharingan be a threat?

Danzo: You're right. The Uchiha Clan were destroyed, but not all of them. The lords of Cyclonia hold the bloodline of the Uchiha. And with the bloodline comes the Sharingan.

Terra Rex Representative: And what proof do you have?

Danzo: During a battle in Terra Gale, an entire squadron of Sky Knights were eradicated. The destruction left in it's wake bear strong evidence of the Sharingan. 

Terra Blizzaris Representative: Even so, how do you propose we deal with this threat? The Cyclonians grow in strength each day. They hold control over most of Atmos. 

Danzo: In light of this grave threat. I propose a united front against the Cyclonians. I will take command of all Terras and wage war on Cyclonia itself.

As Danzo said that, everyone in the room was stunned and outraged. Hiruzen was the first to address this.

Hiruzen: What?! Are you mad Danzo?! 

Danzo: I am the only one here equipped to lead and combat this threat. You of all people should know this.

Hiruzen: What you're proposing in no better than the Cyclonians!

Danzo: I don't have time for this argument Hiruzen. I......

But before Danzo could finish his sentence, the sound of battle can be heard. Before anyone could react, Master Cyclonis was suddenly in the room. 

Regent: M....Master Cyclonis!

Everyone in the room was stunned with the exception of Danzo. 

Danzo: ( Master Cyclonis is the one with the Sharingan. The head of the snake gnashes it fangs at last.) 

Master Cyclonis: Greetings everyone. So this is the summit aimed to decide on a plan of action against the Cyclonian Empire? I must say, I'm not impressed. 

Hiurzen: Do not take us for fools Master Cyclonis! Your empire may be powerful, but will will not give up! As long as we draw breath and still have the strength to fight, we will never lose hope!

Danzo says nothing as he keeps his eye on Cyclonis. Cyclonis does the same. After hearing Hiruzen's words. Cyclonis laughs. 

Master Cyclonis: And yet will all your talk, what have you all accomplished? You of all people should know the truth by now. There is no hope. To hope is equivalent to giving up. Hope is the biggest deception of all. Now....turn over control over your Terras to me. Submit yourselves to me and you all may live. Refuse and war will be upon you all! 

Terra Rex Representative: War you say? 

Hiruzen: None of us here will ever submit to tyranny! No matter who it may be!

Master Cyclonis takes note of this. She activates her Sharingan and chuckles.

Master Cyclonis: Very well then. I hereby declare war on you all! The final war of Atmos! I offered you all the chance to end this war before it began. But now war is upon you! Blood will be on your hands! And the first death of this war will be you!

Master Cyclonis turns to Danzo and attacks him. In the chaos, the leaders of the summit begin to run away. Danzo was able to dodge Master Cyclonis's attacks.

Danzo: I knew you'd come for me. It was only a matter of time.

Master Cyclonis: You're certainly fast for an old man! 

As Master Cyclonis says that, Danzo pulls out a small blade and throws it at Master Cyclonis. She uses Kamui to phase through it. Danzo then takes the opportunity to run past Master Cyclonis. As the Nightcrawlers attack the summit, Master Cyclonis chases after Danzo. 

Master Cyclonis: You won't escape Danzo! 

Danzo continues to run while Master Cyclonis chases Danzo. The guards in Terra Klockstoppia are unable to stop Master Cyclonis as the Nightcrawlers fight them. Hiruzen and the rest of the representatives of the free Terras of Atmos were able to escape. Eventually, Master Cyclonis corners Danzo at a large stone bridge.

Master Cyclonis: There's nowhere for you to run Danzo!

Danzo turns around and looks at Master Cyclonis with unblinking eyes.

Danzo: (It seems I have no choice but to fight. If I can end this threat, then all of Atmos will be saved.)

As Danzo and Master Cyclonis stare each other down as they prepare to fight. Both has clear goals in each other. Danzo saw Master Cyclonis as a threat on Atmos that needed to be destroyed. Master Cyclonis saw Danzo as a threat to her power that needed to destroyed. Both prepared for what would be an intense fight. 

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