Chapter Nine - Power Of The Uchiha

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The war between the Cyclonians and the Sky Knight Coalition raged across Atmos. On Terra Cyclonia, a large army of Sky Knight Squadrons led by the Storm Hawks were engaged with the full might of the Cyclonian Army led by Dark Ace.

Dark Ace: Show no mercy! 

Dark Ace led the charge as the two armies engaged in an intense battle. Many were willed on both sides. As the battle raged on, Master Cyclonis watched the battle from the Cyclonian Palace. As she does so, the head scientist approaches her. 

Cyclonian Scientist: The machine is complete Master Cyclonis. All that is needed are the crystals needed to power the machine. Then it will take some time for the machine to power up.

Upon hearing this, Master Cyclonis lets out a sinister smile. 

Master Cyclonis: Go to my personal Crystal collection. Take as much as you need. Let me know when the machine is fully operational. 

Cyclonian Scientist: It will be done Master Cyclonis. 

As the Cyclonian Scientist exits the throne room to finish the machine, Cyclonis turns her attention back to the battle. She then contacts Dark Ace to relay some orders.

Master Cyclonis: Dark Ace. Have your men pull back to the palace.

Dark Ace(Communicator): What?! But we're beating them! Victory is at hand!

Master Cyclonis: I will deal with the Sky Knights. 

At the battlefield, Dark Ace relays his orders to the Cyclonian Army. Seeing the Cyclonian Army retreat seemingly without reason confused the Sky Knight Coalition. 

Harrier: Why are they pulling back?!

Finn: Guess we're kicking their butts that badly!

Aerrow: Something's not right about this....

Piper: Aerrow! Look!

The Sky Knights soon see Master Cyclonis jumping off the balcony of the Cyclonian Palace and using her Crystal Staff to create and energy beam to soften the landing. The battlefield was silent as Master Cyclonis stared down the Sky Knight army. 

Suzy Lu: What's going on?

Aerrow: Everyone! Be careful with this! Something's not right!

Cyclonis then activated her Sharingan. She slowly began walking to the Sky Knight Coalition. As she began to pick up speed. The Sky Knights soon attacked Cyclonis. She began tearing through the Sky Knights attacking her. Despite being outnumbered a hundred to one, the power of Cyclonis's Sharingan was able to overwhelm the Sky Knights.

Harrier: She's tearing through out forces!

Aerrow: Everyone! Stand back!

Aerrow then used his Lightning Claw move to attack Cyclonis. The attack sent her flying away. However, she was unharmed by this attack as she simply smiles.

Aerrow: Looks like it's not going to be that easy!

Master Cyclonis: You call this power Aerrow?! This is nothing! Witness true power!

As she said that, she formed the Full Body Susanno. It's size eclipsed that of anything ever seen on Atmos. The Sky Knights are in awe and terror.

Junko: W....what is that?

Master Cyclonis: Drown in despair! This is the power of Cyclonis! Divine power!

As the Susanno let out a deafening roar, two ethereal swords formed in it's hands. Before the Sky Knights could fall to despair, Aerrow rallied them.

Aerrow: Don't give in! We have to fight back! All ground forces fall back! Stork! Get the Condor into position!

Stork: We're doomed.....

As Stork positioned the Condor, all the other Sky Knight battle cruisers did the same. Aerrow got on his skimmer and began rallying the other Sky Knights. 

Aerrow: Give it everything you got! 

As Aerrow lets out a war cry, all the Sky Knights felt hope. The Sky Knight battle cruisers soon charged upon the Susanoo and began firing on it. 

Master Cyclonis: What little pests.....

Cyclonis then directs the Susanoo to swing it's blades at the Sky Knight battle cruisers, destroying some of them. On the Condor, Stork was barely able to dodge the attack.

Stork: Aerrow! This thing is too strong! The Condor won't be able to take a hit from it!

Aerrow: Focus fire on it! We'll take it from here!

As the Condor fires on the Susanno, Cyclonis activates Amaterasu to coat the ethereal blades in black flames. 

Master Cyclonis: Burn out!

As the Susanno swings for the Condor, a Sky Knight battle cruiser takes the attack. On his skimmer, Radarr chirps to Aerrow. 

Aerrow: I know buddy! We have to keep up! 

As the assault drags on, all attacks proved to be ineffective against the Susanno. Cyclonis laughs from the Susanno.

Master Cyclonis: Is this all you got? I expected more from you Aerrow! It appears I've overestimated you! Now die!


As Aerrow said that, all Sky Knight cruisers began firing upon the Susanoo. The attack left several small cracks on the Susanoo's armor. 

Master Cyclonis: (That attack.....)

Aerrow saw an opportunity and prepares a powerful attack.

Aerrow: This is it!

Aerrow then used a more powerful version of his Lightning Claw attack and unleashed it on the Susanno. The intense power of the attack was enough to shatter the chest of the Susanoo. The Susanoo lets out a painful roar as it dissipated.

Master Cyclonis: Such power.....

Aerrow: It's over Cyclonis. Turn yourself in!

Cyclonis simply laughs. 

Master Cyclonis: Is that what you think Aerrow? We are at the endgame. You'll all know the power of the Uchiha!

As she says this, Cyclonis uses Kamui to teleport away from the battlefield. 

Junko: Whoa! Where did she go?! 

Aerrow: The palace! Everyone! Into the palace!

As Aerrow led the Sky Knight coalition into the palace, Cyclonis met with Dark Ace.

Dark Ace: What are your orders?

Master Cyclonis: Hold off the Sky Knights. The machine is nearly operational. The Infinite Tsukuyomi will be upon us and with it, a new Atmos. 

Dark Ace: It shall be done, Master Cyclonis.

After giving her orders, Master Cyclonis began making her way to the machine. Dark Ace readied his forces to hold off the Sky Knights as long as possible to ensure the Infinite Tsukuyomi comes to fruition. 

Master Cyclonis - Daughter of the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now