Chapter Six - New Eyes

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After killing Danzo, the wounded Master Cyclonis returned to Terra Cyclonia where Dark Ace took her to the medical facility.

Dark Ace: Were you successful?

Master Cyclonis: Yes......Danzo is eyes.....

Upon instinct, Dark Ace took his master to the medical facility where the doctors addressed her wounds sustained by Danzo. Her vision became worse as time went on.

Master Cyclonis: My eyes......

As her vision deteriorated, she had a memory when Anarchis was training the young Cyclonis on her Mangekyo Sharingan.

Master Anarchis: Good. Very good.

Young Cyclonis: Such power......

Master Anarchis: Power like that rarely comes without a price. As you continue to use it's power, you will start to lose the light in your eyes until you lose it completely, becoming blind.

Hearing that deeply concerned the young Cyclonis. The prospect of becoming blind from overuse of the Mangekyo's powers. 

Master Anarchis: But there's a way to overcome this. 

Young Cyclonis: How? 

Master Anarchis: In the early days of our bloodline, there existed two brothers. Madara and Izuna Uchiha. They became known throughout Atmos for their visual prowess. They were the first of our bloodline to obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan. They used their power to build the foundations of what would become the Cyclonian Empire. Madara was named it's first leader.

Young Cyclonis: Madara......

Master Anarchis then activated her Mangekyo Sharingan and placed herself and Cyclonis in an illusion. They see Madara laid in bed with a cloth over his eyes.

Young Cyclonis: What's wrong with him?

Master Anarchis: Over time, Madara began to suffer strange physical symptoms. His visual prowess would slowly fade into total darkness. Desperate, Madara tried all known methods to counter this, but nothing worked. Lost in despair and haunted by the Mangekyo, Madara desperately sought the light.

The vision of Madara then moved his hand towards Izuna's eyes. 


Madara: Izuna.....forgive me.....

This vision of Madara then plucked out his brother's eyes, causing him to scream in pain. The blood from this splattered onto Cyclonis's face.

Master Anarchis: He stole both eyes from his younger brother. And so, Madara gained new light. Never again will the light fade from his eyes. The Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. That is what must happen.

As Anarchis said that, the illusion was lifted. 

Master Anarchis: I am not long for this world. This Empire shall be yours. The Uchiha Bloodline shall be yours and yours alone. 

Upon hearing that, Cyclonis neither felt sorrow nor relief at the news. Losing her mother and her best friend had hardened the young Cyclonis. The harsh reality of her Uchiha Bloodline had all but broken her. Her once childlike innocence was replaced with a cold bitterness towards a world that showed her nothing but pain and cruelty. 

Master Anarchis: When I die, my eyes shall be preserved. When you begin to lose the light in your eyes, implant my eyes into you. Achieve the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Let the light never fade from your eyes. This....will my final gift to you Cyclonis. 

In that moment, the young Cyclonis walked to Anrachis's throne and sat on it. She saw her own future before her eyes. A future set on conquest and war. Back in the present, the head doctor was going over her ailments.

Cyclonian Doctor: Your injuries should heal, but your vision is deteriorating at an alarming level. You will soon lose sight in both your eyes. 

Master Cyclonis: Begin....the procedure. 

Cyclonian Doctor: But Master Cyclonis, there's no way of knowing whether the procedure will work! The risk is too great.....

Master Cyclonis: Did I stutter?! Did I hesitate?! I don't remember asking! I demand it! Begin the procedure, or you'll die screaming! 

Knowing he had no choice, the Cyclonain Doctor began the procedure to implant the preserved eyes of the deceased Master Anarchis onto Cyclonis. She was aware of the risk. But Cyclonis was willing to risk it all. She could not afford to lose the light in her eyes. After the procedure, the doctor met with Dark Ace.

Cyclonian Doctor: I am not confident with the procedure.

Dark Ace: The why did you perform it in the first place?!

Cyclonian Doctor: I tried to convince her otherwise, but she threatened to kill me! I had no other choice! 

Meanwhile, Cyclonis got off of her hospital bed. She removed the clothe covering her eyes and walked to a mirror. She could clearly see her own reflection. Her vision had been restored. The light had be restored. She then activated her Sharingan, revealing her newly acquired Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Upon seeing this, a sinister smile fell on her face. The doctor and Dark Ace notice this. 

Cyclonian Doctor: Master Cyclonis! shouldn't be up! You should.....

But before the doctor could finish, Cyclonis turned around. The doctor was amazed at how quickly she healed.

Master Cyclonis: As you can see Doctor, my vision is no longer an issue.

Cyclonian Doctor: W...what?!! Impossible!

Master Cyclonis: Come Dark Ace. We have a war to wage.

Dark Ace: As you wish, Master Cyclonis. 

Master Cyclonis: (First Danzo. Now the rest shall fall....) 

As Master Cyclonis and Dark Ace prepared to wage war on Atmos, Cyclonis felt something surge in her. A sense of hatred filled in her. She knew this feeling as the Curse of Hatred that had plagued the Uchiha Bloodline since time immemorial. As the hatred built up in her, she would use this to unleash hell upon Atmos. She would use her powers to conquer Atmos and take what was rightfully hers. And if she had to trample on a thousand corpses, she would gladly pay that price.  

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