Chapter Eleven - The Final Battle

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After activating the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Master Cyclonis staggered out of the machine. She soon all the scientists under the influence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Seeing this made her smile.

Master Cyclonis:'s finally over......


Upon hearing that call, Cyclonis was stunned to see Aerrow standing before her. 

Master Cyclonis: are you not under the influence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Aerrow: You're not the only one in Atmos with a special bloodline!

Upon hearing that, Cyclonis quickly realized that Aerrow was of the Senju bloodline. As she made that revelation was made, Cyclonis began to laugh loudly.

Master Cyclonis: Destiny brought us here Aerrow! The last of the Uchiha and Senju will engage in one final battle! Just as Madara Uchiha and Hashimara Senju clashed all those centuries ago! But my power has surpassed Madara's! My eyes see through darkness itself! 

Aerrow: This ends now Cyclonis! I'm ending this once and for all!

As Aerrow readied his Twin Energy Blades, Cyclonis readied her Crystal Staff. Both stared each other down. 

Aerrow: I won't stop until you're defeated!

Master Cyclonis: And I won't stop until you are dead! Come Aerrow! Show me what the Senju bloodline is really worth!

Before Aerrow could attack, Cyclonis put him under the Tsukuyomi. Aerrow soon found himself in the Nightmare Realm with Cyclonis standing above him.

Master Cyclonis: It could've been differently for you. All you had to do was accept the Infinite Tsukuyomi and live out your perfect world. But now it's too late. Now you must die!

As Aerrow found himself crucified, dozens of Cyclonis began to stab him in the chest. Aerrow screams in pain, but he manages to fight through the illusion. When reality was restored, Cyclonis was stunned.

Master Cyclonis: Impossible! How are you able to resist my Sharingan?!

Aerrow: To me.....the Sky's never the limit!

Master Cyclonis: Very well then....

Cyclonis attempts to summon the Susanoo, but the power drained from the machine prevented her from doing so. 

Aerrow: This is where it begins.....

Master Cyclonis: No Aerrow.....this is where it ends!

Master Cyclonis and Aerrow soon engage in a intense duel. Both were able to keep up with one another. The power used in that battle matched that of the titanic clash between Madara and Hashirama. In the battle, Cyclonis disarms Aerrow. Aerrow retaliates by disarming Cyclonis. 

Aerrow: Cyclonis! Enough of this madness! It's gone too far!

Master Cyclonis: No Aerrow....

Aerrow and Cyclonis soon fought in a brutal fistfight. Aerrow attempts to use his Lightning Claw attack on her, but Cyclonis cancels it out with Amaterasu. As the fight dragged on, both began to feel the effects of the battle. 

Aerrow:'s not too late! It doesn't have to end this way!

Master Cyclonis: No more more words....this ends now!

Cyclonis grabbed her Crystal Staff as Aerrow grabbed one of his Energy Blades. They both charged at one another and Cyclonis impales Aerrow with her Staff and throws him to the ground. Cyclonis looks upon Aerrow's body with satisfaction. 

Master Cyclonis: Yes....yes.....

Suddenly, Cyclonis feels a sharp pain in her chest. She looks down to see Aerrow's Energy Blade protruding from her chest and Aerrow behind her.

Master Cyclonis: What.....

Cyclonis looks to see Aerrow's body turned into wood. Seeing this horrifies her.

Master Cyclonis: A Wood Clone? Im...possible....

Cyclonis coughs blood as Aerrow pulls his blade out of Cyclonis and she falls to the ground. 

Aerrow: No matter what happens I will protect Atmos. I still believe that protecting this world is the best way to protect all those who live in it. Anyone who tries to harm it, whether they are my friends, siblings or my own children... I won't forgive them.

Aerrow then moves to the machine and deactivates it, ending the Infinite Tsukuyomi. 

Master Cyclonis:

One by one, all those affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi were freed. Cyclonis's plan was falling apart. Rage soon consumed her.

Master Cyclonis: NO!!!!!!!!!!

Cyclonis began unleashing torrents of Amaterasu flames all around the palace in blind rage. Aerrow retreats from the palace. He meets up with the Storm Hawks, who were recovering from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. 

Piper: What....what happened?

Aerrow: We have to go now! 

Aerrow led the Storm Hawks out of the Cyclonian Palace. Soon, black flames covered it. Once the entire palace was evacuated, only a deafening scream was heard. 

Piper: Did we....did we win.....

Aerrow: Yes's's finally over......

As the Cyclonian Palace was consumed in black flames, all Cyclonian forces surrendered. The war was over. As the flames finally died down, Cyclonis slowly walked out of the destroyed palace. Her left eye was blind. She had used the Izanagi to save herself from death to Aerrow's attack. 

Master Cyclonis: (Why.....why.....)

Cyclonis was at a loss of words. She felt her entire purpose being ripped from her. Her plan to unleash the Infinite Tsukuyomi upon Atmos had been stopped by Aerrow. The machine was destroyed and all her Crystals with it. Her empire was no more as the Sky Knights won the war. 

Master Cyclonis: (The Far Side.....I get to the Far Side......)

Cyclonis staggered her way to a Skimmer. As she did, she collapsed to the ground, coughing and hacking blood. 

Master Cyclonis: (I used....too much power in that fight.... damn you Aerrow....) DAMN YOU AERROW!!!!!!

Cyclonis's rage knew no bounds. Her rage had all but consumed her. Vengeance was now her reason for living. Despite being left with one Sharingan, Cyclonis vowed vengeance on Aerrow. She got on the Skimmer and rode for the Far Side of Atmos to rest. She would wait as long as it would take. 

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