Chapter Three - Hidden Threat

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After encountering Piper, Master Cyclonis sits on her throne while revelling in the fear she instilled on the Sky Knight. But she knew that the Storm Hawks would pose a threat. As she sits on her throne, Dark Ace enters.

Master Cyclonis: Dark Ace. I trust you have good news?

Dark Ace: Yes Master Cyclonis. We've uncovered a threat in the Sky Knight Council.

Master Cyclonis: Danzo Shimura.

Dark Ace was unsettled by the fact she was able to get the name before he did, but he was not surprised.

Dark Ace: Yes. Our spies have uncovered a....plan. Mentioned something about the Sharingan.

The room was suddenly silenced by an uneasy silence. Cyclonis's calm demeanor was now that of rage.

Master Cyclonis: Where is he?

Dark Ace: The Sky Council is assembling a secret summit on Terra Klockstoppia, on Danzo's suggestion.

Master Cyclonis: Assemble our forces. I want you to lead an invasion on Terra Atmosia.

Dark Ace: Atmosia? But what about the summit?

Master Cyclonis: I want you to keep the Sky Knights busy. Once I attack the summit, the Sky Knights will no doubt come there. And I want to kill Danzo. If the Sky Knights interfere, Danzo will escape. 

Dark Ace: Understood Master Cyclonis. 

Dark Ace then exits the throne room as Master Cyclonis prepares her attack on the summit of the Sky Council. Meanwhile on Terra Atmosia, Danzo sits in his office. As he ponders the oncoming summit, a knock comes at his door. 

Danzo: Enter.

As he says that, the leader of the Sky Council enters Danzo's office.

Danzo: Ah. Hiruzen. I was expecting you.

Hiruzen: Danzo. The summit is ready to proceed. I still question the need for it. I understand the threat of the Cyclonians, but what you speak of is.....fantastical.

Danzo: What I speak of is truth. We are dealing with the power of the Sharingan. We are dealing with a threat greater than that of Madara Uchiha.

Hearing the name made Hiruzen feel uneasy. Madara was a legend on Cyclonia and a terror to the rest of Atmos. Hearing that brought concern to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: You must be mistaken! Madara Uchiha was killed centuries ago! His bloodline was lost!

Danzo: I'm afraid his bloodline remains. The rulers of Cyclonia wield the power of the Sharingan. Do you remember the massacre of Terra Gale?

Hiruzen: Yes. A Sky Knight Squadron engaged with a Talon detachment. I am aware.

Danzo: And do you remember what transpired that day? What killed all of those Sky Knights?

Hiruzen didn't like where Danzo was going. He was always wary of Danzo and his true motives. He knew Danzo was pushing something.

Hiruzen: What are you saying Danzo?

Danzo: I have reason to believe that whoever was responsible for the massacre of the Sky Knight Squadron was no mere group of Talons, but a single Sharingan user.

Hiruzen: And what makes you sure of that Danzo? 

Danzo: The chaos left behind says it all. No Talon Squadron in all of Atmos is capable of creating the destruction it left behind. There's not doubt about it. We are dealing with the shadow of the Uchiha. 

Hiruzen was left disturbed by Danzo's words. 

Hiruzen: Even if what you're saying is true, how are we able to stop it? The only one able to combat this threat are those who carry the bloodline of Senju and we have no way of knowing if they still live.

Danzo: We will speak on that at the summit.

Hiruzen: Does your solution have to do with your.....altercations? 

Hearing that stopped Danzo dead in his tracks. He had made private altercations to his body that no one knows about. Hearing Hiruzen question this caught Danzo's attention.

Danzo: Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man, you think you know. You never know who or what might be watching. But now we have a summit to go to.

Those words deeply shook Hiruzen as he followed Danzo to the transport ship that would take them to Terra Klockstoppia for the summit. Meanwhile on Terra Cyclonia, Master Cyclonis gathers a group of Nightcrawlers in preparation for the summit.

Master Cyclonis: NIGHTCRAWLERS! We are here for one man and one man only: Danzo Shimura of the Sky Council! As we speak, he attends a summit on Terra Klockstoppia! We shall be here to greet him! Your job will be to attack all those who stand in our way! But make no mistake, Danzo is mine! Any one here who kills Danzo will die screaming! As we speak, Dark Ace is leading an army of Talons on Terra Atmosia to keep any Sky Knights away from us! Kill all who stand in our way! 

The Nightcrawlers began to cheer as Master Cyclonis leads them to a transport ship en route to Terra Klockstoppia. As the ship began it's journey, Cyclonis pondered what was to come.

Master Cyclonis: (What are you planning Danzo? What are you planning?)

Despite wondering what Danzo was planning, she could not deny the threat he poses to both herself and her empire. Danzo was a threat that Master Cyclonis was eager to destroy.

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