Chapter 1

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Katsuki entered class as usual, earlier than the others, always perfect, fighting the class rep for disrespecting and shit, he didn't give a fuck. But something was bothering him, he had butterflies every time he was with Izuku.

That's when a few years ago, he suddenly realized he was in love. Yet, the forest haired male didn't take notice, as oblivious as he is, he didn't notice, stupid right?

He wanted to tell him, before it was too late. Truth be told, he was.

Katsuki's P.O.V

I went to school as early as usual, as long as these extras  aren't going to bother me, I won't be dealing with shit. I opened the classroom door, making a smashing sound and headed to my desk.

A few minutes passed, I rested my head in my arms, then heard the door open, I sighed Who's shit do I have to deal with today?, I looked to the side and saw damn Deku with IcyHot holding hands, My eyes fell.

"G-Good morning Kacchan." damn Deku smiled as he looked at me. "The- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" I shouted, I didn't mean to, maybe. IcyHot then let go of damn Deku and sighed. "We're dating, what does it look like?"

What the fuckity fuck? Dating? I scoffed, "Hah, you two? Dating? Shut up, Deku your joking ain't ya?" I looked at the forest haired male's direction, he blushed, then he muttered some shit about confessions and some other unimportant shit.

"N-no, we are dating, Kacchan..." he looked at IcyHot smiling. IcyHot had a little hint of pink on his cheeks, and nodded, they turned around and looked at me. "What?" I growled.

"Get your fucking asses out of my face." I spat and sat down, I could hear damn Deku flinch and whimper in fear. As I sat down, I could feel tears roll down to my cheek. What the fuck?! Fuck it.
I wiped it roughly and held my breath, it stopped and continued class as the caterpillar teacher walked in.

After all the classes.

Everybody got out of class and went home, I saw damn Deku with IcyHot giggling and kissing each other, my heart was torn apart. I was pissed, first, I had to go and accept my feelings for damn Deku, now I have to deal with Deku and IcyHot's relationship.

So much for teenage romance.

I quickly went out of class as tears were rolling down. How the fuck am I gonna deal with life now? I kept running until i reached home. I knocked the door, no response, guess the old hag and the old man isn't home.

I reached for my keys and unlocked the door. My world felt like it stopped. I clenched my fist and still felt the tears falling down roughly. I sniffed and went inside quietly opening my shoes then locked the door.

I entered the kitchen looking for food in the refrigerator.
"Ice-cream could help though." I muttered as I kept searching, till i found a familiar cup, and took it out. I took the spoon, and before opening my delicious ice-cream, a note took my eyes away from it.

Hey ya brat,

We're going to be gone for a while. I know you can take care of yourself. We'll be back the next 3 days, don't burn the house down you shit. We love you.

Your mom, Mitsuki <3

I placed the note back on the table. I sighed. Guess I don't need to deal with anyone's shit. Tears started falling again. I then remembered every fun times me and Deku had. I scoffed and opened my ice-cream cup and ate it up.

I went upstairs, and looked at the calendar. "Oh, its Friday." I thanked the lords for not making Saturday a school day. I could be with myself in the weekend. The dorms only allow the students to visit their families on Saturday and Sunday we have to get back.

I went upstairs, and took a bath. I still felt like shit. I hate to admit it, but I felt like fucking shit. My eyes started to water. Why the fuck now?! I'm in the middle of a fucking bath!.

I growled and finished as fast as I can. I went into my room and rested on my bed after getting dressed. I felt horrible. The one boy I fell in love with, doesn't respond to my feelings.

I had to deal with it. Something was urging me.

He doesn't love you


Oh my, You're so fucking ridiculous.


Ah, Bakugo Katsuki is such a baby. The extras' faces show up.


Tch, look at that. He was crying. What a weakling.


Kill yourself.

NO- what?

If he doesn't love you, you mean nothing to the world.

My eyes fell. No way..

Come on, give in.

NO, I'M NOT GOING TO. Tears spilled in my eyes even more, U grabbed my head in attempt to make sure the damn voices shut up. But it was plain stupid.

There's a razor in your desk. Do that, and I'll shut up.

My hand moved itself. I then grabbed the familiar sharp object.
What the hell was I supposed to do with this?

Cut your wrist. Cut it. He'll love you then.

I struggled and gripped the object tightly, and moved it to the skin.

Deeper. Deeper. Deeper. It'll be beautiful then.

I kept going, not feeling anything, i felt numb.

You're ugly that's why. Ever since you got caught by the Villains, you've gotten more ugly and weak, he doesn't love you. me?

Yes, he will. If you do that.

I kept going, tears fell down. Till one cut, became a hundred. My eyes fell as my hand stopped.

That's enough for today.

I smiled sadly. Blood were on the sheets. I only let the tears fall even more.

"Why can't you just accept me?"

Angsty shit. Forgive me lol. Its because Bakugo has never been known depressed and stuff.
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-Ju-kun ❤❤

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