My Final Goodbye :,)

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Dear Readers,

When I started to plan and write for this fanfic, I always have the same reoccurring thought that maybe this won't do as well as the others. But in the end, I always seem to prove myself wrong. Because for some weird reason, I luck out, when it comes to doing better than the last. No matter how many mistakes I make or how many things that I could have done better... I can't change that. I have to move forward and work with what I got.
I like to think that each fanfic that I plan for, write for, or publish, is just ways to see how I have improved. Not just in my self-esteem but my creativity and my knowledge to have these characters feel through my words that I provide for people like you.

Now, I think we all can agree that my grammar and my concepts to the plots of each chapters weren't the best but I think it was pretty clear to how much that has changed. I've tried my best to not have everything end up in a cliche like most fanfics do. But sometimes I can't help myself, who can't though? That's why I've decided though half of that to not do that and go down that route. Because sometimes you have to be realistic. Even if you don't want to be, considering that it is fiction. But having to go by a cliche loses that part of "reality" that you can relate too, with Y/n, and most importantly Max.

You've guys made me realize that. And that it was a reason why I haven't been too happy with the writing I've done in the past and how hard it was to follow through my chapters.
I love each of my readers because I wouldn't have been nothing or made so much improvements without them.

Even though some comments can come off rude and even... really, really mean, I don't take offense to them. Only because, it's buttholes like them, who give the author a push to understand what everybody wants or looks for to be satisfied into a character that they are portraying as themselves. And I'm once again thankful for those buttholes, haha... that sounds gross.. but you know what I mean lol

Once again, thank you all for reading this Author Note, even though you didn't have too...
It would be a pleasure to have you enjoy more of my writing/future works!

Good bye!
YummKimchii <3

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