Will you be back? (Sheith)

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Keith's POV

I sat in the dark cockpit of the black lion, curled up in the seat. Shiro was gone again, he's missing. I couldn't protect him. I couldn't save him in time. If I had just listened to him, I wouldn't be in this mess. I don't want to be the leader. I can't, Shiro was the best leader in the world, the boyfriend in the world. I didn't understand why he choose me. Why not Allura? Or Hunk, or Pidge, or even lance? I'm not good enough...

Shiro's POV

I watched Keith as he sobbed curling farther into the seat. I could hear what he was thinking. I chose him because I trust him to lead everyone back home to Earth, to make sure Pidge finds her family, and to make sure Allura and Coran have a happy ending. He's able to adjust in tricky situations and act quickly. He's dependable if you take you time to get to know him.

All I wanted to do was wrap him in a hug, and tell him everything would be fine. But I couldn't, I was trapped in the black lion. Nothing but a spirit. All I could do was helplessly watch, I couldn't talk to him, I couldn't reach out to touch him, I couldn't tell him I love him. Wait...
Maybe I could.

I close my eyes and concentrate on Keith, his smile, his laugh, everything. If I could just block everything else out, I could see him one last time.

Third-Person POV

Keith herd whispering around him. He looks up, he sees he's not in the black lion anymore. He's in open and empty land. Kind of like how he felt.


Was herd in the distance, Keith might have been imagining, but that whisper sounded like Shiro.


There it was again. Keith stood up, his Bayard in hand ready for anything, he followed the whispering to a little shack, the same little shack he lived in after he was booted from the Garrison. His hand loosens from the black Bayard but still holds on to it. He approaches the home, slowly. He quickly opens the door and activates his Bayard. All he finds is Shiro's comforting smile.

"S-Shiro?" Keith said not much louder than a whisper. "W-Who are you?!"

Keith raises his Bayard once again, he tries to look like he's not falling apart but finds it hard when his tears are running down his cheeks. Keith couldn't hold back a sob as his knees gave out on him.

"Keith, it's ok. I'm your Shiro, we're in the Black lion's consonants." Shiro said hugging the small male tight.

"W-What happened to you, Shiro? Where did you go?" Keith looks up at the older paladin for answers.

"Keith, during the fight with Zarkon something happened that I can't explain. After that I woke up here," Shiro pauses for a second, to Keith's surprise, a single tear runs down his cheek.
"I...I died Keith."

Keith looks to his boyfriends face to see if he's joking, he's not. Keith hugs Shiro tighter, not wanting to let him go.

"Keith, I don't have much time to talk to you. I...I just want you to know, I'll always be with you. In the lion's eyes. I love you, Keith." Shiro looks into the eyes of his beloved, he didn't know how Keith would react.

"I know, Shiro. Thank you. I love you too." Keith said sadly, but he needed this. He needs the closer of losing Shiro.

Shiro lays a hand on his cheek, he slowly fades into nothing. But before he disappears, he plants his lips on Keith's.

Keith walks out of the lion. He's met with hugs from everyone, even lance. He smiles at the little team he has. He realizes he still has Shiro, in every one of them. Black lets out a roar, letting the team know its there. But Keith knew better, that wasn't the black lion speaking, that was Shiro, telling the whole team he loves them.

"Are you ready to lead Voltron know Mullet?" Lance said in a goofy, but serious tone.

"Yea." Keith Let's a smile tug on  his lips. "Yea, I am ready sharpshooter."

Lance smiles at the nickname and pats Keith's back. The team wasn't complete, but they grew closer together. They grew into a family.

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