Klance Month 2

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Day 2's prompt - Coffee shop

"Just go talk to him Lance!" Pidge shouted rather loud making the barista turn to look.

"Pidge, shut it! It's not that easy!" Lance whisper shouts.

If your curious, Lance has a crush on the barista of this cafe called Lion Cafe. Their friend Shiro works there, he's the manager, so that's why they're here. It was also the barista's first day, so he was being shown how everything works.

"Mocha frap, black coffee, and Iced tea for Hunk?" The barista walks over to the three teens.

"Yep that's me! Can I also have a bagel?" Hunk answers taking the drinks.

"Sure thing." Keith smiles as he walks back to help another customer. That customer happened to be Lotor, the biggest bully and flirt of there high school.

"Oh great loturd is here. It looks like he's flirting with Mr. barista." Pidge said rolling here eyes, Lotor finished ordering and sat at a table near the front. Keith grabbed hunks bagel and some jam and brought it to the table.

"Bagel on the house." Keith said walking away, Lance decided it was now or never.

"Uh hey you." Keith turned at these words, looking back at Lance.

"How'd you know Hunk likes jam?" Lance chickened out last second, maybe he should wait.

"Oh, ya that kinda looks creppy. Shiro said that was your favorite." Keith rubbed his neck, that's when Lance aww little teeth marks on his scent gland. He wasn't marked, but it was like someone tried to mark him. Pidge noted that to.

"What's with the scar on your neck?" Pidge asked not meaning to make him uncomfortable, but she did. Shiro luckily heard that and called Keith back, while he gave Pidge the look.

"So I take it's something personal? Got it." Pidge drank her coffee while going back to her project with hunk. Lance spaced out thinking who would date hurt an omega like that, well if he was a omega. But still who would hurt anyone like that?

"You good Lance?" Shiro came over to the table and sat. Keith was doing surprisingly well, so he decided to visit with his friends.

"Huh? Oh ya, I spaced out." Pidge snickered.

"Thinkin about hot topic over there?" Lance blushed with embarrassment.

"Wha- no!" Lance slouched into the bench.

"Have the hots for the new barista? His name is Keith, he's my brother." Shiro answered looking at the counter to she keith helping a middle aged woman. (Susan)

"I didn't know you had a brother!" Hunk said surprisingly.

"Ya, he's adopted. My parents adopted him a few weeks ago. And by the way Lance, he's 16. So you can date him, I give conse-"

"HEY!!" a scream poured from the other end of the cafe. Keith was in front of the same woman as before. He was drenched in coffee.

"I-I'm sorry m-ma'am..." Keith picked up the cups from the ground. Shiro walked over to the two.

"Is something wrong ma'am?"

"Yes! This little omega has gotten coffee on my wool coat! It's dry clean only!!" There was a drop of coffee on her coat. A drop.

"I'm sorry ma'am. It's his first day here and I'm sure it was an accident." Keith stood as he finished picking up the cups. He went to throw them away and get the mop. "I can offer your order to be on the house?"

"I want that brats corporate number!!"

"He's only 16."

"Then- I want your corporate number!"

"May I ask why?"

"This customer service is horrible!"

"Ma'am, he has more coffee spilt on himself than you do, he's apologized, and I offered you a free drink. I going to ask you to leave." Shiro said calmly having to deal with many "Karens and Susans".

"Fine! I don't want this service anyway!" The lady stormed out.

Shiro sighed as he walked over to Keith behind the counter. Pidge, Lance, hunk, and Lotor were the only people here, and Lotor was leaving now.

"Keith, go sit with those three over there. I'll close then we can leave alright?" Shiro put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ok Shiro." Keith took his apron off and walked over to the three.

"Um, hi. I'm Keith, and Shiro told me to come sit over here..." Keith said awkwardly rubbing his arm.

"Oh okay! Well then I'm Lance. That's Pidge, and that's hunk." Lance said scooting over so keith could sit.

"Nice to meet you all, how'd guy meet Shiro?"

"Well he and hunk are the same age, so hunk and him met in high school, then Pidge and I came into high school as well. He and hunk are graduated, and Pidge is in college classes with hunk, but she's a junior, and I'm a senior." Lance continued to ramble about how the three met and other things. Keith listened but soon found himself getting lost in Lances eyes. They were a mix of different blues and purples the were amazing pared with his Carmel skin and chocolate hair. Keith started slowly gravitating towards Lance. His body warmth drawing him in, he felt safe. He hadn't felt this since-

"Uh Keith? You ok?" Keith was basically sitting in Lances lap. His cheeks turning red as he backed away.

"S-sorry, I don't know what I was doing..." Keith cowards away in fear he did something wrong.

"Uh no, it's ok. I... liked it." Lance rubbed his neck.

"Alright guys I'm closing, so it's time to go, you need a ride Pidge? Lance?" Shiro handed Keith his bag as he turned around the open sign to closed.

"Nah, Matt's picking me up."

"I need a ride." Lance didn't need a ride his mama was outside right now. But he had to ask Keith on a date or something before he went home.

"I'm gonna walk."

"Keith it's late, and you never know who-"

"I can walk with him Shiro." Lance spoke getting knowing looks from everyone but Keith.

"Oh, I supposed I'll let him walk with you, just make sure not to get distracted."

"Cool thanks Shiro!" Lance grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him out the door.

"There gonna fuck." Pidge said smirking.

"They better not!"

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