Happy Birthday (Klance)

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Today was Keith's birthday and lance was planning party for him. He stayed up all night with Shiro and Adam to make it special after Keith's amazing surprise on his birthday. Keith was now three months pregnant, if you looked closely you could see his little baby bump. Lance thought it was the cutest thing ever, but Keith thought he looked fat. While Lance knew wasn't true.

Lance walked up stairs to wake his sleeping prince. Keith was softly snoring, as quiet music played so he could fall asleep the night before. Keith seemed to enjoy music a lot more now, like  the growing thing inside him wanted to hear music or they'd kick hard. He stood there and looked at them for a minute, admiring his two loves. He couldn't wait to meet his son, he couldn't wait to start a family with Keith. But for now he'd focus on making this the best birthday ever for his one and only.

It took almost one hour to wake Keith up. He didn't wanna function until he remembered it was his birthday. Now Lance can't get him to stay still; he was running around with messy hair, in short shorts. Lance was semi hard already.

"Baby, you have to take a shower and stuff you know. The crew will be over in two hours." Lance said, Keith though about it for a second before agreeing with him and ran of to find some clothes, and a pair of lace thongs.

Lance decorated a little bit in the living room and didn't even try to cook something. Hunk was bringing red velvet cake, and was gonna cook with Keith over here. Krolia was out in space again, but made time to come down with Regris and Kolivon. Shiro and Adam came to visit regularly, but still excited because it was Keith's birthday. Adam was also pregnant, 2 months pregnant. Matt and Pidge were ready to come by and eat food more than anything. Coran couldn't make it due to space stuff on Altea.

"Hey Lance, do you know where my pills are?" Keith walks down the stairs into the living room where lance was.

"Uhhh which ones?"

"M-My anti-depressants." Keith asks sheepishly.

"Keith, you can't have those. They'll hurt our kid." Lance turned around to hold the male in his arms.

"I know I know, but it's the only way the voices would go away..." Keith wrapped his arms around lance as well, warmth wrapped around him.

"Babe...you have to tell me these things ok?"

"I- Ok, I will. I'm sorry."

"No no no, I'm not mad at you. It's fine! How long have you been taking them?"

"Only a few days."

"Ok, that's not to bad. Listen, today you'll be so happy that you won't even hear them ok?"


Fast forward ~

"Happy birthday asshole!" Pidge said as Keith blew out the candles of his cake.

"Language Pidge!" Shiro yelled form the kitchen. There was laughter and fun for awhlie. Keith got baby gear, and gift cards from everyone. Until there was a knock at the door. Keith being the close test when to answer it.

"I'll get it!" He called from the stairway.

As he opened the door he saw nothing at first until he heard a little squeal from below him. It was a little baby in a basket, and a note tucked away in it.

"Uh, Lance? Come here!" Keith called into the house picking up the little baby from the basket. He brought the baby inside aswell as the note.

"What is it baby?" Lance came into the room, seeing the little baby in Keith's arms. His eyes went wide as Keith handed him the note.

"Dear People,
    Her name is Lilica. She's 9 months, and two weeks old. I could not afford to take care of her myself, so I hope she will have a safe home here. I want to come back and get her one day, but for now please keep her safe.

Thank you."

Keith and Lance looked at eachother before Lilica started to cry. Keith started to bounce the baby and shoosh her, soon she stopped crying. Lilica laid a hand on Keith's cheek and cooed at him. Lance walked behind the two laying a hand on Keith's lower back. The rest of the group had came in the room while Lance was reading the letter.

"She's adorable." Lance looked at her. She had light brown eyes with hints of blue. Her skin was alittle darker than Keiths, and her hair light.

"She is.." Keith had tears in his eyes as he looked down t the child. It felt like him when his mother left so many years ago, and then came back to love him. Just 5 years ago. "C-can you we take her in?"

Keith looked up at Lance with his purple eyes. Lance looked at keith as well, look into those beautiful eyes.

"Of course baby."

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