Heart Monitor (Klance)

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This one shot is inspired by
@DemonAngelFoxCake's Heart Monitor. Love the book btw.
Keith sat on his bed as he drew. Wondering if he should go outside to the porch or not, he wanted to, but he didn't want to be judged by his neighbors. He could always ask Shiro it sit outside with him, or his cat red.

Keith walked down his stairs. He decided he'd sit and draw, if anything happened he'd get Shiro. He got his surgeon like mask on and walk outside, Red following him to the corner if his small porch. He could hear kids playing in his next door neighbors front yard. It was a large family with 5 kids. The parents names were Rosa and Pedro. He knew none of the other kids names.

"Hey!" Keith looked up from his sketchbook, he saw a boy with sun kissed skin standing in front of him. Along with Rosa.

"Hey?" Keith spoke quietly, but both had heard him.

"Hello Keith, is Shiro here?" Rosa gave Keith a kind smile as he nodded and got Shiro from the house, who was sitting in the living room watch in Dance Moms. (Anyone else think Shiro would totally watch that?) Keith and Shiro came out a minute or so later.

"Rosa, nice to see you again." Shiro returned the smile he'd received. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, Lance is having some friends over later tonight. I was wondering if maybe Keith would like to join them?" Rosa spoke calmly as she explained why she came over. Keith wasn't opposed to the offer, just nervous. What if the little kids were afraid of him? What if Lance's , who he guessed was standing in his lawn, friends didn't like him?

"Well... it's really up to Keith. I have no problem with as long as someone helps him take his shots and what not." Shiro, who really wanted keith to get out more, said. Rosa offered to help with shots.

"I'm Lance by the way." The boy said, Keith noticed his cheeks were slightly red. Was he blushing?

"Keith." That's all Keith said as he stood up. "I'd like to join you and your friends. It's sounds fun." Keith, all though no one could see, was in fact smiling. He was happy that Rosa invited him over. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Time skip~

"Do you have everything you need Keith?" Shiro asked again. For someone who wanted Keith out of the house, he was very worried. Keith was his little brother after all. He wanted him to be completely comfortable around more people than just him.

"Yes Shiro, got all my stuff. I'll be right next door if something happens to me Shiro." Keith hugged him, sure they fight but they were brothers.

"Call me if someone makes you uncomfortable. Or if you have a-."

"I know Shiro. It's not like I've had cancer for 10 years." I say jokingly, Shiro gets it and chuckles.

"I know I know, but I am serious. I care about you." Shiro said sincerely, he only wanted what was best for Keith, he wanted him to have friends other than him.

"I know you do Shiro, I care about you to. I'm gonna go now ok?" Keith said finally walking out the door before Shiro could lecture him again.

As Keith walked down the side walk, he started to feel nervous. He didn't need more friends right? He had Shiro, Shiro would always be his best friend. It was difficult to make friends when he couldn't go to school or any public place with out his mask, which he was wearing already. The mask covers part of his tubes, so you couldn't see them go down his nose unless he toke them off. he knocked on the red wood door, nervous on who would answer. It might be Rosa, it might be one of the little kids who lived in the house with him

Thankfully, it was Rosa. Who greeted him with a warn smile. "Hello honey, lance is upstairs. You can go wait on the couc and ill go get him." She said stepping aside to let him in, little kids run around the house, one sitting in the corner reading a book. Keith sat on the cream colored couch.

"Lance invited you here right?" The girl, who was previously sitting in the corner, sat next to him. Keith nodded as he looked down. "I'm Lilica, what's your name?"

"It's Keith." He said muffled by the mask. "Nice to meet you."

"You too, I can tell your nervous. Lance is a nice person, and mom didn't force him to invite you here. He hadn't seen you anywhere so he was curious." Lilica, who's speech impressed Keith, said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How old are you?" Keith asked her, surely she was at least 14 right?

"I'm 12. My birthday is next month." The girl said smiling.

"Lily, stop harassing Keith." Lance said walking into the room, and sitting on the couch next to him.

"I was not! Whatever though, see ya later Keith!" Lilian ran up the stairs.

"So Keith, you like video games?"

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