What adout you? (Kangst/Heith)

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Third-person POV

The whole team was in the lounge. Lance and Hunk making jokes to one another, Pidge on her laptop as usual, Coran, Allura, and Shiro discussing the next move, and Keith, Keith was leaning against the wall. He was really wondering if everyone hated him now that they knew he was Galra.

With Allura not giving him any missions, lance and Hunk avoiding him, Pidge being more cruel, and Shiro, Shiro was what hurt him the most. The one person he thought would always be there for him wasn't even acknowledging his existence, it really hurt. He knew he probably deserved that though. The Galra cut his arm off, kidnapped Pidge's family, killed all but two Alteans, and was trying to take over the universe. He was surprised they could still form Voltron.

"Keeeeeeith! Earth to Keith!" Lance waves his hand in front of his face. Keith flinches back, causing him to hit his head on the wall behind him.

"Huh- oh, sorry..." Keith said sheepishly, hanging his head.

"Pay attention Keith! Shiro is giving Missions!" Pidge scowls at Keith, making him feel much worse.

"Lance and Pidge, you two are going to get Slav. Allura, you are going to the Balmera to retrieve a small crystal. Coran and I will get the scultrite. Hunk you stay here and alert us if anything happens."
Shiro finishes sending everyone off to change into their paladin armor.

"W-What about me?" Keith looks up to the man he idolized most of his life.

"What about you?" Shiro said coldly. Leaving Hunk and Keith in the lounge.

Keith's eyes widen as his knees give out. He falls down and sobs. He doesn't cry, so why was he?

"Keith! Hey, it's ok..." Hunk rubs his back soothingly. He whispers softly in his ear as the sobs die down. "Keith, I know the others are being harsh, but they'll come around. Give them time, ok?"

"I...ok." Keith turns around to face Hunk, who just smiles innocently. "Thank you, Hunk. For everything."

"Your welcome." Hunk hugs the small boy tightly to his chest, but not so tight as to where he can't breathe. "It'll be ok keith."

Keith wasn't sure if he could believe that, he trusted Hunk. He did, but he trusted Shiro, and he let lance in, they both hate him now. Even if Hunk was secretly his crush, could he trust him?

Hunk was almost happy. Not in a mean way, but I hopeful way. He'd seen a side of keith he's never seen before. Usually Keith keep a strait face on. But right now, he was so sad and fearful, he couldn't bottle it up. Hunk felt honored to witness the emotional side of Keith.

But at the same time, Hunk was pissed. Hunk isn't one to get mad at someone. But Keith trusted them to help him with anything, and just because he's part Galra they should hate him now? Keith didn't destroy altea, he never kidnapped the Holts, he didn't hurt Shiro. So Hunk made a promise, he wouldn't stand and watch anymore. He'd speak for Keith, he'd gain trust. He'd always be there to talk.

He did that because he loved Keith. With all his heart. He'll be there from now on, because that's what real friends do.

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