What are you doing to Keith? (Platonic Sheith/Heith)

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  So this is part 2 of What about you? Enjoy squidos!
   About a week ago Keith left for the blades. he promised to keep in contact with the team, he has yet to call anyone. Once a week, Kolivon was set to visit he castle for war reasons. He was on his way with two more blades, the team all thought one of them would be Keith.

Hunk was excited to see Keith again, after everything with the team not accepting he was Galra he left with Kolivon. Shiro felt guilty after he had found out he had cut himself, Pidge realized that Keith was never involved with the kidnapping of her brother, Lance and Coran would always have Keith's back, and Allura would have to deal with it.

Keith wouldn't be here for another few Quintants, so the team was cleaning the castle a little bit. Coran, Lance, and Shiro were cleaning Keith's room. Which was just dusting and vacuming because keith kept his room clean anyways. Allura and Pidge were looking for the planet the blades wanted to meet at, and Hunk was cooking his lover a welcome home dessert. He made a dish that looked like spaghetti, which was hard to do. He also made a small cupcake just for Keith to enjoy.

Hunk was excited to see Keith. After he had comforted him after Shiro's scene, they hung out a lot more. Hunk would secretly stare at keith to make sure he was eating, he would check on him every night to make sure he was sleeping, and he always stood up for him after that. Keith saw the side glances at the dinner table, and he never was asleep when hunk came to check on him, but he did appreciate the jesters.

About two hours later~

Kolivon, Keith, and another blade walked off the black and purple ship. Keith had his hood up and kept his head down. Shiro could see he was scared to talk, like if he did someone would hit him. He knew this because of the years it took for Keith to trust and talk to him and Adam. Which only made shiro regret his actions more that he already did. Hunk could tell he was skinnier, and way paler. His skin almost white, and his suit looked to big for him. He looked horrible.

Pidge and Lance noticed it to. They saw that the fire and spark in the paladins eyes was gone, and the felt guilty for it. Coran saw al these things as Keith would often come to talk to him at late nights when he had a bad dream, or was hungry. He to felt bad for not standing up for him. Keith once had told him he was like til he uncle he'd never had. Now he failed they young boy.

"Hey keith." Shiro was the first to walk over to the boy. He called Keith once during his time at the blades to apologize for his actions. "I'm so sorry."

"I-It's ok..." keiths voice was raspy and quiet. He talked with hesitation and fear, everyone noticed it. Shiro was pissed. He couldn't fail him again. He wouldn't fail him again.

"What did you do to him?" Shiro and hunk asked together, hunk stepped forward to hug keith close.

"We only gave him a punishment when he trained poorly. Like not eating, or physical." Kolivon said like it was nothing, the other blade looking down. Hunk could tell this blade did not approve of Kolivon's ways.

"Kolivon, that wasn't something you should tell people, or even do!" The blade spoke out, his mask disintegrated showing the face of Regris. The blade who Keith trusted and though of like the father he never had.

"Regris, you do not tell me what I can or cannot do! The boy is weak and small. I was only making him stronger, because he is not good enough to be a blade."

"He is." Allura said finally. Her anger and realization hitting her like a drum. She knew now that keith was more that just some Galra half breed, he was family. "You don't deserve to host him, and I will not have this anymore!"

The team was shocked, as was Keith. Allura was the last person anyone expected to stand up to Kolivon.

"Keith is to good for you. For the blades all together. He is a fierce and strong fighter who has been through so much. He is my brother." Shiro stood by Keith placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Keith and I may have our differences, buuuuuuut he is still part of this crazy space family. He's kind and caring, and doesn't deserve you at all." Lance spoke in a different way than normal, he was serious.

"Keith helped me find my family, and he should never been treated like the way we or you treated him. He's part of Voltron, part of us all." Pidge walked up to the three, which was lance Keith and Shiro, and hugged them.

"This is true. I love Keith, and we were all in the wrong. But you took it to far, Allura is right. He does not belong with the blades. He belongs with us, his real home. He's apart of Voltron." Hunk held the boy close as Kolivon eyed the group with narrow eyes.

"I want you out of my castle now! Voltron will be canceling this alliance, and we will never have you back." Allura walked up the Kolivon and spoke with confidence, and anger.

"Very well Regris, take the boy by force. He will not be staying here." Kolivon smirked.

To be continued...

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