Bonding Moment 2.0 (Klance)

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Part 2 of Hurricane Dorian will be out soon.

Any ships you want me to write a one-shot for?
Keith was Galra!? But how? Allura thought looking into deep space, the stars sprinkled in the black sky. Keith was in a healing pod because of his blade trials. Shiro had carried him out of the red lion due to him being weak from the blood loss, as well as a Galra, who's name is Kolivon.

Allura was shocked, to say the least. She had lost some of the trust because Keith is a Galra. The race that took her home and family, her people. She was furious, she was considering kicking him out of the castle and the team. However, that was not her call. Shiro, Lance, Hunk, and Coran all thought he should be given a chance like the other Galra. So she decided to give him one chance, one chance only.

Lance wasn't mad. He wasn't disappointed. Keith was still his mullet, right? Right. He stood in the infirmary by Keith's pod. Shiro had gone to talk to Kolivon, and Hunk went to cook something. Lance starred up the small teen. Thinking how could he even be a Galra? He was caring and selfless, he was so beautiful. Lance might have a tiny crush on him. TINY. Lance made a promise to the unconscious boy, he'd always give him a chance. He won't sit back and watch Allura criticize him, he will love him forever. Lance sighed and walked away to his room.

Pidge was a 50/50 case. She was mad because the Galra hurt her brother and her father, killed off an entire planet, tortured Shiro, and started an intergalactic war. But she was also willing to give Keith a second chance. Keith was not a part of the horrible acts of the Galra, so why should he be punished?

Hunk was stress cooking. He had never seen Keith as a threat to the paladins, or the universe. He didn't really care that Keith was Galra. Keith was still Keith, and he liked him that way. Galra or not. He was only concerned about how the universe would react when they told them that a paladin of Voltron was part Galra, or when they tried to make new allies? He was also worried about Keith and the teams' safety. What if planets tried to attack Keith? Or the team? He wanted to protect his team, but he was afraid of the consequences.

Shiro was currently trying to hold Allura back from slapping the very tall Galra.

"Princess, if you are not willing to give me or the blades a chance, then I will have no choice but to leave." Kolivon's voice was calm, and Shiro was sure Allura was even more infuriated. "I'm even starting to become concerned for the red paladins' safety."

"That won't be a problem, sir. I won't let anyone hurt him." Shiro's voice was also calm, Kolivon nodded his way as Shiro did the same.

Shiro was not mad or hurt or anything but worried. He wanted Keith to get out of the pod so he could make sure he was thoroughly ok. He wanted to make him feel wanted and loved because he would be the outcast because of Allura, and maybe Pidge. He was hopping Pidge would eventually come around, and would help Allura see not all Galra are bad. It was a guessing game.

As the argument got heated, Kolivon took a step back. Allura gave a deep sigh and finally let the Blades have a chance. Shiro was quick to run away and into the infirmary, where Keith was still in a pod. Coran had said he'd be in there for 16-20 hours, he thinks Keith will get out sooner because he is very physically healthy. Let's just say, he was right. Keith was out in only 10 hours. He was fully healed as Lance cradled him in his arms. (I had to Owo) Keith's eyes were barely open, but Lance could see the beautiful purple orbs behind his lids.

"Looks like the tables have turned mullet." Lance said quietly, Keith's eyes widened a little after hearing Lance's voice.

"So you do remember." Keith smiles up at him, lance chuckling as he hugged him close.

"Of course." He whispered into Keith's ear.

"KEITH!" Pidge shouted from the door, the paladins, And Coran, all ran the two and joined the group hug.

The team was quick to defend Keith when Allura had been rude. The paladins didn't judge other on their race ever again, and lance got the courage to finally ask Keith out on the date.

The end

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