Just talk to me-23

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Waking alone always has that feeling of depression for me. Its okay though because the smell of food cheered me up. I walk over to Maleah's crib and see that she is not in there and instantly panic. I hold my tears hostage but honestly i'm going crazy not knowing where she is. Why isn't she where she is supposed to be. Busting out my room and running down stairs into the kitchen, I see Luis cooking and a familiar girl sitting at the counter top on one of the stools. I walk into the the living room and see my mom sitting next to him. His smell reeked the room.

His back was towards me but his head slowly turns in my direction. I run over and scoop Maleah from his arms and the smile on his faces dies slowly.

"CAMILA! Honey what are you doing? Can everyone else get a chance to be with the baby without your supervision? It is his baby too." my mom jumps when I come out of no where and snatch my baby from Axle. He looks me up and down. His stare lingers on my shorts.

"WHO the fuck came in my room and took her! She's my baby and she came out of my fucken vagina. You dont just get to take her without telling me. I can take care of my child on my own." I started crying and shouting back at my mom and axle.

Axle hops up off the couch not knowing what to do or what to say. He hasn't seen me a long time and my hair isn't the same. I couldn't tell if he wanted to hump me or kill me. Fuck I don't even know what to do or what I want.

"You can't just snatch her from me. She is my baby too like your mom said. It takes TWO to tango" This is the first thing that comes out of Axle's mouth the first time he sees me in a while. I really just want to smack the shit out of him. Why is it that males think they have control over what comes out of a women's body. When ever he takes a shit, it is not my shit thats his shit. It is the same concept for anything that comes out of a women's body from babies to abortions to periods. Its MY fucken choice to have one or to risk it all. So I control what goes on with my daughter.

"yeah and it would have only taken one decision to get her scrapped out so Axle fuck off, talk to me when you birth a baby and risk your own life to bring another one in this world. "

" How the fuck did you risk your life? All you did was carry her and birth her. If you would have aborted her-- I wish your dumb ass would have aborted her. You know how quick I would kill your ass?" I see his fist ball up and his face gets red. Knowing I'm getting the reaction that I want from him satisfied me.

" Do you know how many things can go wrong during a pregnancy? I dont even know why i'm having this conversation with you. I dont know why i'm even talking to you." I shake my head and walk away. The girl from the kitchen stares at me intensely as I walk past the kitchen. Fucken werido.

I go up stairs into my room and set her in her crib. I put my hands on my head pulling on my hair. My door opens and my instant response is for them to 'get the fuck out my room'. Of course since it's Axle he's not going to listen. I think i'm attracted to dudes that don't listen to me to be honest, if we look at my past.

He steps into the room takings off his shirt and hoodie.

"SO who did you fuck now last night, huh?" I look over to see deep purple, black, and blue on his stomach. Some marks are faded and the other ones look extremely fresh like someone hit him with a car but he would most definetely would have healed by now if he got hit by a car.  Bruises from your mate can take as long as the human healing process to go away. I stare at him not knowing what to say. Maleah starts crying, probably startled by her father's aggressive tone.

"MOMM! COME GET THE BABY PLEASE!" I call out to her and she must have been close by the door because it seem like she came in as soon as I finished calling her. Nosey bitch.

"I think you guys should go outside and talk. We can hear everything and I dont the whole house should know whats going on. Oh and your father will be back from a meeting in a little bit ." she says before leaving with Maleah.

"Yeah lets go outside. Put this hoodie on." He throws me his hoodie when I already had on shorts and a spaghettis strap shirt. I just listen like they dont and slip the hoodie over my  head. The jacket fell like a dress to my knees but at this point I just want to get the yelling done and over with.

He leaves and goes outside and I just follow far behind him. We went into the woods but not close to the border where the patrollers are.

Axle sat on the leaf covered ground and put his head on his hands.  In a calm tone he spoke, " So first off.... that day when you saw me kissing that girl and you ran off. She forced me to do it. It was kiss her or she was going to tell my father about you. I'm getting pay back at her and we dont ever have to worry about her again. When you left I followed after you to that rental car company but I had already lost you. Oh and good news, It turns out my father wasn't always the racist baster that he is. I have a sister and she's part black. Thats who that girl is inside the house. Her mom is actually the woman who broke my dad and made him how he was but i'm not blaming her. It is a choice to be racist and hateful. Honestly I dont know why we all can't work together and work in harmony. When you left I felt a couple of pains, I know that you fucked someone else or got fucked by someone else. However you want to say it, but you did it. You did it again last night too. You know who I did when I hurt you and I hope yours was worth it. I want to know who you did and I won't get mad. Well I'll try."

Looking down at him on the ground a million thoughts ran threw my head and the one that came out was..

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