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The knife.

Sharp enough to penetrate any surface.


Deceits face softened as he sighed. "How the hell did you get in this situation?" 

Remus shrugged as he put his belt back on.

As Remus did this, Deceit noticed he was shaking. Most likely out of fear.

'If I let him wander the streets, he'll be dead by morning' Deceit thought as he went over his options. He sighed. "You can stay at mine tonight."

Remus looked up in surprise to see Deceit was holding his hand out to help him up. He took his hand and they made their way to Deceits place.


"So how come you decided to get drunk as hell?" Deceit asked as Remus sat on his couch. Remus shrugged, "Got fired, evicted and no-one likes me so yeah."

Deceit thought for a moment before shaking his head.

Remus noticed this. "What?" 

Deceit shook his head, "No.. wait until tomorrow morning."

Remus shrugged it off. "So what do you do?"

As Deceit took off his blazer, he responded, "Like I said, in the morning."


Remus woke up with a killer head-ache. He sat up before he heard Deceit from the chair beside him. "Aspirin and water on the table."

Remus jumped up in surprise. He took the aspirin as Deceit began to speak. "Yesterday you asked what I did. I am the boss of a gang, mafia if you will. Recently one of my gang members met a.. tragic end. You said you were fired so, do you want to be part of my gang?" 

Remus sat in shock for a moment before nodding. Deceit smiled, "Great."

"You start tomorrow, and you can stay at my place" Deceit said.

Remus grinned, "Aww, I knew-"

Deceit cuts him off, "This has nothing to do with when we were children," He said with a slight blush.

"You made a promise~~" Remus teased.

Deceit shook his head, "That was a long time ago, Remus."

"C'mon D, It was a promise!" He teased once again.

Deceit rolled his eyes, "I swear to hell I will fire you."

"Fine, fine, I'll shut up," Remus grinned.

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now