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Really? I knew that creep would kill someone at some point...


Deciets hand dropped from his face. Though, before he had time to run. There was an explosion.

~~ 1 month later ~~

Deceit woke up in the hospital, Remus asleep on his bedside. As soon as Deciet moved, Remus' head bolted up. "D, you're awake," Remus grinned, crying slightly. Deceit gave Remus a questioning look, "..what happened?" He asked whilst holding his head, having a major headache. Guilt was evident on Remus' face, "I was coming back home when someone tried to... do things to me.. and then you came along and helped. They slashed your eye and then they made an explosion.. the left half of your face is scarred and your left eye is blind." He said, his voice trembling slightly.

Deceit sat up, confused and once again giving Remus a questioning look, "Why do you look so guilty?" Remus glanced to the side, muttering almost inaudibly, "Because it was because of me that you got injured.."

Deceit sighed, responding, "Remus. Don't be guilty. Plus it was one of the promises, and I can't ignore them, can I?" He smiles slightly. Remus laughs in response, grinning.

~~After getting back home~~

When they got back home, Remus insisted that Deceit go to bed to rest and get his energy back. After around 10 minutes of protesting, Remus tried to push him to his room but he practically had noodle arms. Eventually Deceit gave in and just decided he was going to work in his room instead of resting. Though Remus wasn't too pleased, he agreed. Plus it wasn't like he could stop him.

Remus made Deceit some food and went upstairs to see him stressing over something already.  "What's wrong?" Remus asked, putting the breakfast down on Deceits desk. Deceit sighed, "Logan has been on my back. He's taken loads of the properties that belong to me. He's been getting that stupid goon of his, Roman, to collect my places..."

Remus thought to himself, responding, "Roman, you say?"

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin