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The sirens.

They grow closer.


"Get me a round of shots, now!" 

When Remus had taken the job, he expected something exciting. Not being a bartender. It was an okay job with an okay wage though technically that didn't matter since Deceit was letting him crash at his place. 

He had complained but Deceit said that he would do more exciting things, just not yet.

So he did the job. He didn't mind it. Occasionally, a customer would try to sexually harass him but Deceit had given Remus a knife so people stopped messing around. 

But some customers were nice. There was a guy who came to the bar often who was nice. He and Remus chatted whenever he came. 


Deceit sighed as he closed the door to the house. He hung up his coat and proceeded to walk to the stairs. He glanced at the kitchen to see it a mess. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat as he pulled out his gun. He slowly approached the kitchen and turned the corner, gun ready to shoot when he saw Remus, luckily with his back turned.

Deceit calmed down as he lowered his gun, putting it back in his pocket. Luckily, it was back in his pocket when Remus turned around. 

"D! You're home early!" He exclaimed, trying to hide what was behind him. Deceit raised an eyebrow. "Remus, what were you doing?" He asked, curiously. Remus started saying random nonsense to distract him until he realised he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. Remus sighed, "Finnneee..."

He stepped to the side, letting Deceit see a poorly decorated cake. "Happy birthday..!" Remus exclaimed, wishing the cake was better. Deceit only had shock on his face. "I didn't even remember it was my birthday..." He mumbled, before saying, "How did you remember?" confusion laced in his voice. Remus grinned at Deceit, responding, "Well, I have a good memory! Plus you're my only friend...." He mumbled the last bit, a bitter expression crossing his face. 

He flashed a grin before responding, "I'll clean the place up, you go chill! It's your birthday after all!" 

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now