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What happened?


"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS MY BROTHER HERE?!"  Remus yelled. Roman smirked and everyone else was shocked, or at least looked shocked. But not Deceit. Deceit glared at him, a glare that could kill someone.

"Sorry," Remus said quickly, keeping his mouth shut for the rest of the meeting. 

As soon as they got back to Deceits place, Remus quickly tried to escape upstairs before he heard Deceit from behind him, "Remus. Get here. Now." 

Remus froze before slowly turning around and walking over to Deceit. He looked up at Deceit, only to look away quickly, shrinking under his glare.

"I told you to keep it professional, you just embarrassed me in front of my enemies," Deceit stated. Remus kept his head down and mumbled, "Maybe if you told me my brother was going to be there, it wouldn't of happened."

Remus felt Deceits glare grow in intensity. "Here are some ground rules. There are only two so it'll be easy for your stupid brain to understand. Number 1, Don't speak in meetings unless someone speaks to you. Number 2, Don't talk back to me like that. Ever. You are the one who messed up. Accept it instead of being a child." Deceit said bitterly, walking away swiftly. 

Remus closed his eyes, keeping back tears. He walked up the stairs to his room. As soon as he reached his bed, he collapsed onto it, regret and guilt weighing him down like anchors. He sighed before closing his eyes, falling into the black void of sleep.


Remus woke up slowly. He stared at the ceiling for almost half an hour, processing yesterdays events.

He groaned, dragging himself out of bed. He slowly dragged himself down the stairs, his feelings of regret and guilt still weighing him down. 

He walked into the kitchen and gasped slightly, surprised by what he saw.

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now