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I heard some guy got stabbed to death.. they haven't found the killer but apparently the evidence points towards XXXXX.


He took the back alley, as it was quicker. He ran into no trouble on the way there, and he was on his way back before he heard a voice behind him.

"Whats up gorgeous?" He heard as he felt a hand touch his waist. Remus reached to his belt for his knife when he realised it was gone. He began to turn his head when he felt his knife against his throat. "Don't you know its rude not to answer questions, slut?" Remus flinched slightly at the word.

Earlier, Deceit had went out, looking for Remus. Luckily, he managed to stumble upon the scene. "Get off him," Deceit growled.

The guy scoffed, "Why should I?" Deceit shrugged and walked away. Remus' heart sank and his throat tightened, tears threatening to spill.

His body went numb and limp as memories started flooding back.

Before anything could happen, Deceit came from behind. Unfortunately, the guy saw him before Deceit had a chance to punch him.

He let go off Remus, who fell to the ground.

As Deceit tried to land a punch on the guy, the guy lunged forward, slashing Deceits eye.

Deceit staggered backwards, holding his face where it had been slashed, blood pouring out of the wound.

The guy through the knife and ran off. Deceit smirked, thinking the guy had missed.

Then he heard Remus say, in a shaky voice, "D...?"

Deceit turned to see where the knife had hit. A gas tank. And the guy had left an open flame in the form of his cigarette lighter.

Deciets hand dropped from his face. Though, before he had time to run. There was an explosion.

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now