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It was primary school that Remus and Dee had met. Before then, Remus was inseparable from his twin, Roman. But Dee changed something in him. He felt something. He felt independent.

In High School they made promises.

"Promise number 1, we look after each other! Promise number 2, we always try to make each other happy! And promise number 3, you marry me!" Remus said, pointing at Dee for the last promise. Dee laughed though did not say no and so the promises were formed.

They lost touch with each other when they went to college. Remus lost touch with everyone. His family cast him out, everyone bullied him and shunned him. And then he lost touch with Dee.

He ended up going to clubs, trying to forget his problems. Though it only caused more damage in the long run. 

Everything was simpler when they were kids. Or at least for the most part. 

There was a time in middle school that almost got Deceit kicked out of the school. Deceit was caught with the answers to the latest big test. By this time, Remus and Roman had split in their loyalties. Roman was more loyal to Patton and Logan whereas Remus was insanely loyal to Dee. They had also made friends with the new kid, Virgil. 

Remus, being insanely loyal to Deceit, was convinced he was framed and he blamed it on Logan and Roman. Mainly Logan. Roman defended Logan, refusing to see 'reason'. 

Around a few days after the incident, Remus tried to kill Roman. Roman had woken up to see Remus standing by his bed, a knife in hand. Luckily, Romans scream alerted everyone in the house. 

Due to there being no proof other than Remus' fingerprints on the knife, Remus was only sent into counselling, though it did him no good. 

The school received a threat and so Deceit stayed.

And now Remus had followed through with what he tried to do all those years ago. And Dee was standing at the crime scene. He glanced around and saw an open window with a trail of blood. Presumably Romans as the knife wasn't found at the scene.

Deceit followed it to see Remus standing in the alleyway.  

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now