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A :But if XXXXX killed XXXXX then how come they're both dead?

B: What?!


It had been a day since Dee had been out of hospital but thats all Remus needed.

He had suggested his idea to Deciet but Deciet rejected it. So he had to do it by himself.

He told Dee he was going the shops, and it still took a while for him to let him go after last time but Remus assured him it'd be fine.

Now here he was, at his brothers doorstep. His brother wasn't in yet as he only finished his work at 5pm, evidenced by his twitter.

So he decided to wait inside his house. He left his window open so he was practically asking for it.

And so he waited.


It had been an hour. Remus said he was just going to the store, so what wad taking so long. Deceit had tried calling him multiple times but Remus had forgotten his phone. Worry laced his thoughts but he knew that he still wasn't accustomed to being half blind and would lose in a fight. All of his other goons had left him. So he was helpless.

He then remembered the idea Remus had suggested the other day. He grabbed his coat quickly and left, trying to find Romans house.


It was nearing five. Remus had been sitting on his brothers couch for an hour. He heard a click at his brothers door and the doors hinges slowly open. As it closed, he saw his brother turn around. Roman kept his scream internalized, saying (with a slight shake in his voice), "What are you doing here?"

Remus laughed, a wicked laugh. As Remus and Roman made eye-contact, fear soaked Roman to the core of his being. Remus' eyes were void of humanity.

Roman had seen this look before, in middle school. That did not end well.

"Remus, what happened?" He asked, fear soaking his words. Remus' laugh stopped abrupt as Remus turned to look at Roman. Hatred was ablaze in his eyes. "You and your whore of a boss Logan have been collecting my precious Dees places. So, Im going to make you pay," He said, venom oozing from every word.

Romans breath caught in his throat, memories rushing back. Before he could reply, he felt a sharp (PUN INTENTIONAL) pain in his stomach. He grabbed onto Remus, him being the only thing keeping him upright. Remus pushed him away, pinning him to the ground before slitting his throat.

The stench of blood filled the air as the sirens drew closer.

Remus jumped through the window, running to a backalley.

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now