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(Sorry for uploaded late today, got some stuff goin on. Also, if you haven't noticed by now, this book will be updated every monday so ye)

He walked into the kitchen and gasped slightly, surprised by what he saw. 

~~Around 11 hours earlier~~

Deceit was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He sighed as he gave into his conscience. 

He knew that normally Remus would be awake, most likely reading a manga and listening to BTS. So when he saw that Remus was asleep, he knew he had upset him. 

He walked back downstairs. Before he knew it, his conscience was talking to him again. He groaned, realising his conscience wasn't going to leave him alone unless he did something. 

He sat in the kitchen, resisting the urge to slam his head against the table. He glanced to a trashy magazine, that Remus had got because: quote, 'They're going to spill the tea!', unquote. On the front there was a breakfast spread that Remus he had made multiple notes on with recipes for the different things he wants to try.

Deceits head perked up, finally getting an idea as to what he could do.

~~Back to the present~~

On the table was a breakfast buffet that looked strangely like things he had circled in the magazine he got a few days ago. Not only that, Deceit was asleep on the table. Remus smiled softly before getting a spare blanket and putting it softly over him. 

He ate most of the breakfast buffet but saved some and put them in the fridge with a note, saying:
'Thought you might want to taste your amazing cooking :) ~ Remus'

He smiled to himself before getting dressed and going out for groceries since Deceit had used most of them on the food. He took the back alley, as it was quicker. He ran into no trouble on the way there, and he was on his way back before he heard a voice behind him.

The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now