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The footsteps.

They echoed down the alley.


Remus was looking around the house when he found Deceit. "D! There you are! I've been looking for you!" He exclaimed. He was met with silence. "D? You okay?" Remus asked, caution in his voice. "Yes," Deceit mumbled. Remus put a hand on Deceits shoulder only to have it pushed away. 

"I said you'd do something more exciting.  Now is the time. You're now my right hand man," Deceit muttered. Remus tilted his head in confusion, "Why now?" Deceit turned around, anger ablaze in his eyes, "Will you stop asking questions?! Just accept it, for once! I stood by one of the promises you keep going on about!" 

Remus took a step back, fear evident, though he responded, "Do you know the reason I go on about them? Everyone hates me, even my own brother. You're the only friend I've ever had. They are the only promises I keep. The only one anyone has ever trust me to keep. And I asked you a question. Are you okay?"

Deceit's expression softened before mumbling, "My right hand man left for my rival gang. All because of that 'prince' idiot. He betrayed my trust." Deceit had a bitter expression. Remus' expression turned to determination. "I will never betray you, I promise! I will make everything better!" He grinned. Deceit smiled slightly.


Today was the day. It was going to be Remus' first encounter with the other gang. He didn't know any of the people in the gang. But the more important thought on Remus' mind was:
"What should I wear?" He exclaimed, looking through his wardrobe. Deceit rolled his eyes, sighing, "I'm sure you'll look amazing no matter what you wear. Just wear a suit!" He exclaimed.

Eventually, Remus decided on a suit.

They set off to the place. Deceit sat down whilst Remus stood behind him. Eventually, everyone came. 

He didn't recognise anyone until he saw one of the right hand man- well I guess 'men'.

He tried not to yell.


The Fall Of An Empire // Receit (Remus X Deceit) // Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now