Chapter 4

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Thomas POV ♤

I snuggled deeper into my pillow.

My alarm clock hadn't gone off which means that I still have time to sleep. So why the fuck was it so bright. It shouldn't be this bright before my alarm. Why can't it just be dark when I'm trying to sleep.

Memories of yesterday started to flood into my mind. The tall muscular guy with pointy ears. That thought keeps me from opening my eyes. It's a bit too early to look at the room your kidnapper took you to.

I curled into a ball and used my blanket as a shield against the shittyness of right now. 

A knock at the door made me open my eyes. My dad opens the door. I take a look around and see that I'm in my room. I thought for sure when I woke up it would be in some sort of creepy sex dungeon.

" Hey kiddo." He says in a perky voice. 

Morning people. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I came to get you for breakfast. How'd you sleep? I had the weirdest dream." He started to ramble on about Bambi and the Red Queen going to a fox hunt together.

"Well I didn't have as interesting a night as you d-did apparently, but it was fine." I smiled at him hoping yesterday was just a dream.

"Good let's go eat, Thomas. Your know how papa gets when the food gets cold." I got out of bed and followed my dad downstairs.

After we finished eating ,or rather while we were eating, I noticed that things were a bit off with my parents. They were being awkward to the point they started discussing salt and laughing like hyenas. It was freaking me out.

Right after they took the last bite of food on their plate they tried to run. I wasn't having it not after yesterday. I was still hoping that was all just a bad dream. If not I fear that my parents acting weird because of yesterday. What do they know?

"Where are you two going in such a hurry?" I decided to be a bit bold and ask directly (for once).


"Doing nothing!"

"With nobody!"

They traded off with my dad going first. Their voices wavered and you could tell they were hiding something. They panicked, which is out of the ordinary for dad. He's normally calm, cool, and collected.

I cocked my eyebrow (a skill I'm very proud of) and hummed. Then started walking over to papa, I know if I stare him down he'll crack first.

"We have to go meet someone in the city. We'll be back around dinner." Papa practically forced out after looking like he was in deep thought. 

I hummed again and left the dining area. They won't tell me what's going on so I'm just going to have to wait. It's my only option as of this moment.


It was getting close to 5:30 PM which is when we normally eat dinner. To say I'm not getting at least a little bit worried would be a lie. They should have been back by now. Or at least called.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and confirms my fear.

Pack your bags. From Papa

Why in the world would I need to pack my bags? What would I even need to pack? Food? Clothes? Probably Necessities. Why am I panicking? Why is it getting harder to breath? 

Calm down!! I lecture myself. 

That's right, calm down, I just need to breath. Focus on the breathing. I should start doing meditation. 

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