Part 15: Freddie

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Simona was all he could think about and what he may have done to her. What he may have condemned her to. "How contagious is this?"

"Highly." Both of them said.

Finally Stan said what they were both thinking, "Who did you infect Caleb?"

But he didn't answer, he took quick panicked breaths. The walls were closing in and his eyes were beginning to see double. "Caleb, calm down if you don't the Wolf could rise earlier than it should. The last thing you want to do is transform here, in a fucking hospital. So, calm down. Slow deep breaths."

Freddie was right, he didn't want that. Slow deep breaths. Slow deep breaths. His shaky hands raked through his golden hair, he could feel a low growl permeating through his chest and back of his throat. A sound he was not making himself, it was deep from within.

How could he be so careless. He could have infected Simona. Infected her with this..disease.

A voice howled in his ears, a deafening shriek, "I am no disease." it was less than pleased with his train of thought. Then with a dark laugh, the ominous voice whispered, "Simona is mine."

"Shut up." Caleb shouted, his hands pressed to his temples.

Stan knew he was talking to someone else. "Calm down Caleb. You're already letting it get the better of you."

Slow deep breaths. Freddie breathed with him, in and out. Slow. "Caleb I need you to think, very carefully."

In his calmest tone, he replied, "Okay?"

"Is it possible that you may have infected someone?"

"No, I don't...I don't know. Simona..."

Stan turned away from him cursing under his breath, "Shit. Anybody but her..." He began to pace slowly, "What the hell happened with you and Rachel. You were supposed to be with her."

"Why the hell do people keep saying that? I was never interested in Rachel."

"Doesn't matter, we'll talk about this later."

"Nothing. Look you have two nights night until all hell breaks loose for you. You need to come with us. And someone needs to go check on Simona." Freddie said trying to be the calm friendly voice in the room. A role he was no use to.

"Go where?" He asked beginning to feel very claustrophobic.

Stan stepped closer, "To my place you need to be watched closer. It's not guaranteed you'll wait for the Moon. Anything could set it off. The next 48 hours, are about to be a test."


"Have you noticed that voice growing in your head, becoming louder, more frequent. He is testing you, and the closer he gets to making his big entrance the more he is going to test you. The first transformation is the hardest."

"I'll be fine. I just need some fresh air. I need to...I need to talk to Simona."

Freddie finally put some bass and authority in his voice, "I don't think you're listening Caleb. The Sheriff is out there, planning god knows what. There is strength in numbers. You are a ticking time bomb right now. The Sheriff is one of us, he knows you're infected just like we do. He may be trying to use that to his advantage. There's too many questions and not enough answers right now."

"Exactly. Not enough answers."

"We will get to Simona, check her out and see if she infected. Okay? I just need you to trust us."

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