Part 20: Family Secrets

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Caleb and Dean had went back to his home after his splash with Simona and prepared for what was he was about to do. Dean had planned to go after the Sheriff and get answers. There was no point in waiting around, while Caleb wanted to wait for Stan and Freddie. There was power in numbers, and they were going to need help if Stan was right about the Sheriff. But he also agreed that they needed answers and he wasn't sure who he could trust at this moment.

Stan and Freddie he had known since he started his training to become a Deputy. They were from Raven Falls. While Sheriff Daniel's, he had known his entire life. They had never been close, not even now that they worked together. But he knew he was a decent man. A recovering alcoholic, but a good man. He drank to forget the fire. But after 5 years of drowning his sorrows he came out the other end alive and ready to start his life over.

Dean got in the shower in a hurry to get out of there before Stan tracked him down. There was no way he was going to let him go to Sheriff Daniels with questions. Caleb watched on as this beast used his soap, shapooed his hair and lathered his body. He still fought to break free from his mental prison.

Meanwhile Dean was distracted with thoughts of Simona. He bathed thinking of her, smiling to himself replaying the melodic sounds of her moaning and he fucked her, like an erotic song that he wanted to get stuck in his head. He licked his lips wishing he could still taste her. His smile turned to a chuckle when he thought of Caleb watching them.

He thought of how her body felt in his hands, how she looked at him. How perfect they were together. She was going to be his, and her wolf. Dean closed his eyes and let the wash rolled down his body, the bruises and scratches from last week were all nearly gone. The bite was the only thing that was left and it was only a small purple bruise and the indention of four sharp teeth. The black veins had disappeared slowly, until they were barely visible.

Simona on the other hand had dug her nails into him pretty hard today leaving her own mark. He chuckled again proud of himself. Like the arrogant bastard he was.

It was at that very moment Caleb used all of his mental and physical strength he had to grab a hold of Dean. He could feel his hands becoming his own again. Dean wretched as the pain in his head dropped him to one knee. Caleb screamed fighting against Dean to slip out of the darkness.

"Stop it!" Dean yelled clutching his head, it felt like someone had just shot a cannon next to his head. Caleb thrashed, Dean gritted his teeth trying to fight back. He had let his hold on Caleb slip for one second and he was no in danger of losing control of this body. "Stoooop!"

But it was over. Caleb felt like he had been buried in thick heavy mud, every time he pulled he was being sucked, but he kept fighting to climb out.

With an electric like jolt Caleb's eyes cleared, and his body was free. The ordeal had left him utterly weakened. He fell back against the bath tub and laid there trying to catch his breath. His hearts pounded together, hard and fast. Dean was silent, only a muffled voice in the distance. A warm numbing feeling surrounded his body, his muscles felt like mush.

Caleb laid there for what felt like an eternity, the tips of his fingers slowly regained feeling. He wiggled his toes until they felt normal. The water above splash down on his body warming his cold, numb extremities.

Slowly he pulled his naked body out of the tub and sat on his bathroom floor until he had the strength to stand. As he gripped the sink to his knees shook promising to give out on him, but he focused all his strength on standing. Everything began to spring back to life. It was like he could feel Dean's essence slipping away into the darkness where he had been held.

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