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john @kryozgaming
she got tired of walking and Craig just bent to her will. kid's got powers.


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Sarah chose chocolate ice cream while John chose strawberry. Sarah then repeatedly made fun of him over choosing a pink ice cream.

"It's cute, okay," she defended. "I think it's adorable that you wanted pink ice cream."

"It's for the flavour, Sarah, okay," he whined playfully. "Not the colour."

"I know," she hummed. "I just like teasing you."

"I'm aware," John remarked with an eye roll.

"Okay, lovebirds," Craig interjects the conversation, walking over to them with a smile. "Sami and I have something going on tomorrow morning. As fun as it's been we should probably part ways."

"Yeah, we were gonna go home too, we've been up since like, four in the morning," John shrugged.

"More like we just never went to bed," Sarah told them, causing Sami to eye roll.

"Please get some sleep," Craig sighed. a little bit disappointed in the two adults, that were somehow still functioning.

the four parted ways in their pairs, as they walked home. John and Sarah walked in a peaceful quiet.

"Craig asked me earlier if we've kissed," Sarah said to her partner, who turned him attention to his girlfriend as they walked. "I was wondering, actually," she held the lobby door open for John as he walked in and went to the elevator, pressing the "up" button. "Why don't we?"

John stepped into the elevator and shrugged. "I dunno, just never really occurred to me I could do that," he tells her. "Did you want to?"

"I wouldn't mind it."

the two stepped out of the elevator when it dinged and the doors opened. walking down the halls to their apartment complex. John opened the door for her, Sarah thanking him as she walked in. he shut it behind him, securing the locks once again. he turned around and watched Sarah as she moved towards the kitchen.

her movements were subtle. every sway was intentional, and John never felt like it before, but he suddenly felt overly attracted to Sarah's body as well. the way she wasn't overly pronounced, how she was small, but oddly enough, it just fit well.

their dynamic was always very domestic and cuddly. maybe Sarah had a point.

maybe they should be closer.

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