Chapter 3 - Dreams

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Before you read this, you should know that you're not meant to know what's going on. I tried to make it a bit more exciting! Enjoy...

The wind is howling and the dead autumn leaves are crackling and breaking in the gale. The tall trees are bending and groaning under the pressure and as I shelter beneath a huge oak, I shiver. Elves don't get cold  so why am I? It's been 112 years since I almost died in that snowstorm. But I have never trusted the cold, and out of everyone I know, who dance in snowstorms and hunt in any weather, I am the only one affected by these conditions. So why am I out here? Where is everyone? Struggling to my feet, I wrap my cloak around me, shaking off the snow covering my red hair.

"Legolas?" I shout, choking on the crisp cold air, light with the fresh snow. 


I wander through the woods, cold and, to my surprise, tired. Elves don't get tired either. Even in the world I know, I don't get tired. Stumbling on, I continue to call out.

"Legolas? Legolas! LEGOLAS!" My voice becomes a high wail, caught on the howling wind and ripped from my throat, and I break down into bewildered tears, sobbing into the empty, snow-filled sky.

My tears end abruptly at the sound of a voice. Straining to hear, I notice it again. I can't tell the direction that the voice is coming from, so I stand completely still, listening. But instead of the familiar, comforting voice of Legolas, I make out a crooning, cold voice, carried on the wind.

"Tauriel." The voice croons, chilling me with fear.

And suddenly, I see him, Legolas is right in front of me, and I hear his voice, so opposite to the icy voice that was calling me on the wind. Legolas is talking to me, calming me.

"It's okay, it's okay." And then I'm sobbing into his arms, telling him I'm cold, tired, and he looked confused. He doesn't understand at all.

The voice is coming back, and as the wind picks up, I hear that chilling voice again.

"Kill him. He doesn't understand you, he does not love you. He doesn't deserve you. Kill him."

I gasp at the words, bewildered. 'He doesn't understand you'. Legolas knows me better than anyone, he is the first person I go to if I need help. Of course he understands me. And love? Why would he love me? We're just friends, aren't we? But as I think of it, I enjoy the thought. Legolas loving me? And as for deserving me, I don't know what to make of that. He is a Prince, I am the daughter of a murderer. I don't deserve him.

But what scares me, what chills me to the bone is the harsh instruction carried on the wind.

"Kill him."

I jump to my feet, ignoring the surprise on Legolas' face.



"Why would I, I couldn't, I would NEVER do that! I don't understand!"

Legolas jumps to his feet, gently pulling me into an embrace.

"What are you talking about? You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're safe, calm down."

I relax. How could I ever think of killing him? How could the voice even suggest it?

"Where are we?" I ask, hoping he might know.

Legolas' voice suddenly changes, and I realise that it sounds clearer, not ripped away by the wind or muffled by the crackle of leaves. And his mouth isn't moving either. He sounds comforting still though, calm.

"You're home. In bed. It was just a dream."

Tauriel sat up, shivering despite the warmth of the small room. Still half in her dream, she gasped out.

"I wouldn't ever, I promise! I wouldn't!"

"I know. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Calm down."

"I wouldn't!"

"I know, I know. Don't worry."

Tauriel relaxed, but was scared of falling asleep in case the voice came back. It was still the middle of the night, but as soon as Legolas left, she got ready, convinced that she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, but eventually, exhaustion came over her once more.

"Kill him."

Thank you for your comments PackWolfLegolas  and EstelElfstone ❤️

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