Chapter 4 - Kill

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long! I couldn't decide what should happen in this chapter so if anyone has any ideas for the next chapter, please comment!

Tauriel shrank back against the wall as Captain Dilemas' blow caught her off guard.

"You should always be ready! Don't just trust everyone you meet, just because they look friendly, don't just give them your trust like a child would! Ridiculous." The last word was muttered under his breath, just loud enough to ensure that Tauriel heard it.

"Sorry sir."

"Let's try again, would you trust an elf if they walked along the elf path and stated they were from Rivendell. They ask to see the King. What would you do?"

Tauriel thought that if an elf came and asked to see the King, it would be rude to take all their weapons before allowing them to see the King. But she also knew that Dilemas would not accept that answer, as she already tried it.

"I would take all their weapons and search them, and then allow them to see the King, escorted by guards." Tauriel said carefully, making sure that she had thought of everything.

"Good." Glancing up to the window, Dilemas shrugged.


"Thank you sir." Tauriel left, and immediately began to run to meet Legolas. They were going hunting, and she didn't want to be late.

Speeding around a corner, Tauriel slammed hard into someone, and fell into the hard floor, knocking all the wind out of herself as she did. Gasping, she looked up to see who she had collided with. As her eyes refocused, she was dismayed to see the face of Dilemed, Dilemas' much younger cousin, and her schoolmate, looming over her. He was one of the elflings who had been told to avoid her, and so had always hated her, just because of who her father was. He was one of the many bullies at her school, but she had never told Legolas about it in case Captain Dilemas heard about it. Dilemed leaned towards her, smirking.

"Oh dear, murderer, what have you done now? Where are you off to in such a hurry anyway? Surely you can't be that busy. Anyway, you might get a bit held up here because I don't think that murdering she-elves should be allowed so much free time. I mean, really, imagine what you could be plotting! It really isn't safe!"

"I'm not plotting anything, but I am going to be late, so if you don't mind I'm going now." Tauriel knew that this wouldn't work, but she wasn't going to make this easier for him.

"Not so fast. Remember, you're not safe." With that, Dilemed landed a punch right in Tauriel's stomach, knocking all the wind out of her once more. His friends soon joined in, and despite Tauriel's efforts, she couldn't fight off all of them. Bruised and aching, Tauriel fought hard, but couldn't stop the onslaught. Then she heard a faint sound, barely a whisper, cold and crooning.

Can't you do any better than that? Come on, I expected better from you! What would Legolas say? Not very good at all. Well, I don't want you to die just yet, so I suppose that I might give you some help. I hope you're grateful.

Tauriel suddenly felt a new burst of energy, and managed to knock an unsuspecting Dilemed right off her, and jumped on top off him before he could react. In her anger, she began to strangle him, until his face began to go purple. He was gasping for breath, and his friends had already run when Tauriel attacked. She was sure that she would have killed him if someone hadn't come up behind her and knocked her unconscious, rescuing the elfling from her rage. Tauriel heard the voice again before the darkness took her.

Good. You are learning.

Okay, so I hope you all enjoyed that chapter!! I know that it was quite short but I enjoyed writing it! I hope to update soon!

Also thank you PackWolfLegolas  and EstelElfstone for the comments and thanks AnastasiaR1918 for the vote!! ❤️

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