Chapter 14 - Pain

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Hello again wonderful readers! I hope that you all enjoy this (rather dark) chapter. Due to writing another story and being unbelievably busy, I have only just been blessed to write this! Please check out my very new story 'Shades of Grey and Red'! Anyway, this story...

Warning! Torture ahead:

Pain. There was so much pain. Tauriel's tried to open her eyes. Pain. The light blinded her. She tried to move. Pain. As her dizzying light-headedness faded, she realised that the cell was silent.

Nearly silent.

She could hear the faint drip of what she thought was water from somewhere, landing with a splash in a pool that must be below her. After several failed attempts due to overwhelming pain in her neck, she managed to turn her head and look down. It wasn't water. It was blood.

Terrified and confused, the pain and memories all came flooding back to her, the whip, the Voice which had helped her. Whatever it was, she owed it her life. That was a debt she could never repay. But before she could even try to, she had to get out of here. This cold, dark cell with a pool of blood at her feet and torture around every corner. She was terrified. Horribly, sickeningly terrified.

Despite all efforts to stay strong, Tauriel found herself with tears steaming down her cheeks, unable to move. The voice could give her strength. But first she wanted to know...

Why? Well, that's easy. But are you sure you're ready to know?

Tauriel's voice barely came out as a whisper, and she wondered if talking was necessary. The voice seemed to be able to read her thoughts anyway.

"I need to know."

Well then. I- your father was not who they said he was. He was not crazy, or evil. He-

"My father was not a- a- murderer?" Tauriel found herself desperate to believe it, she was not the daughter of a murderer, Tarion was innocent, her mother was not murdered in cold blood. Perhaps- but then, who was Tarion?

He was. He killed all off those people, but I- he had a reason. He wanted them dead because they threatened you. Because you are special, Tauriel. You are special to the forest itself. And they didn't like that so I killed them. Even your mother felt threatened by you. So I killed her too. It broke my heart to do it, but I did it for you. I-I am Tarion.

Tauriel screamed,

"You- you're a murderer, and I listened to you! I trusted you! How could you try to get me to trust you, to believe everything you said, you even helped me! But it was all just-what? What were you trying to get out of me? I HATE you! Stay out of my head! Stay away from me! I would rather die here than talk to a murderer! You're dead! Why are you here - go AWAY!"

Yes. I am dead. But you're alive. And I can keep a connection with this world through you.Perhaps one day I will be strong enough to return, but I can help you, Tauriel. You're special, remember? You can help me. I killed them all to help you. Stop being such a child, pull yourself together and get out of here. I can't stand elflings.

"I am special, yes. I am special because I'm the daughter of a murderer - you - and because of that, people see me as you, as if you had never died! They hate me because of you! Special to the forest?  I don't believe you. I don't believe a word you say! Leave me alone. I have nothing to thank you for, nothing! You only saved my life to save your own! I owe you nothing. Keep away from me. I want nothing more to do with you, ever! I-you-why?"

Tauriel found herself sobbing again. Tears were pouring down her cheeks when she heard another voice, not that of the- Tarion. It was a rough, grating sound like a key being turned in a lock for the first time in years. An orc voice.



Legolas' POV:

Legolas and the scouts had finally reached the cave where Tauriel was being held captive. Not dead. She couldn't be dead. They had been travelling for almost three weeks to get ther, which meant that if Tauriel wasn't trying to get there, she could't have faded yet. But they still could have killed her. No. Not dead. She was somewhere inside that cave, and he was going to get her out. At only 112, Tauriel was still an elfling, and despite how brave and strong he knew her to be, she was still extremely young to go through... this. She was certainly too young to die. SO he had to move fast.

Pushing down the fear at entering a cave that could go so deep, Legolas signalled to the warriors behind him, and was the first one inside the cave.

Thank you all for reading, this was quite a long chapter at 948 words! I would love it if you would read my new story, Shades of Grey and Red. Please add top reading lists, vote, comment, and spread the story! It's so hard with a new story! Anyway, I hoped that you liked this chapter and I am sorry that it took almost two weeks to update, if anyone is still reading this, it was because I was woring on my other story! (I had to create a title)! Have a great time and I love all of your stories! Until next time!

Next chapter: Well, not actually decided yet - sorry :) - hope you can wait how long it might be!

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