Chapter 13 - In Love

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Thank you to everyone who is reading! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter!

Legolas was the first to know when the scouts finally returned with news of Tauriel's whereabouts. They said they had found a tunnel, snaking deep underground. Legolas felt his heart brighten. Perhaps she was sheltering in them. Perhaps she was alright after all. But then perhaps... he couldn't bring himself to think of what else might have happened.

But his fears were confirmed when the messenger continued,

"My Lord, it-it's not good news. The scouts report that the cave- well, it stinks of orc, and they believe that she may have been, um, captured."

With a squeal of fright at Legolas' angry face, the servant fled down the corridor, leaving Legolas alone in his room. He kicked the bed, anger still building up inside him. The pain that shot through his foot didn't make it any better, merely adding to the frustration. He was angry because, well, he wanted to be. He would cover up his sadness, his worry and fear in anger. But now that it was fading, the feelings he had tried to mask came through, and he felt hot tears sliding down his cheeks.

His best friend was missing, and all he could think of to do was be angry. His best friend. But she was more than that. He loved her. He was sure of that now, and he was determined to rescue her.

To save her.

But what if it was too late? What if she had already faded? After all, that cave was deep, and her connection with nature would be broken. It had been a week since she disappeared; if the cave was deep, she could be dead. Or the orcs could have killed her already.


Dilemas had been ordered to get his best warriors to get Tauriel back. Legolas wanted to come.

Striding confidently into the throne room, Legolas approached his father's throne. Thranduil looked down upon him, his once cold eyes now warm as he looked at his son.

"Prince Legolas. Have you any news already?"

"Father. I want to go with Dilemas to find Tauriel. I can help!"

Thranduil's expression turned stern.

"Legolas, you will not go. You are the heir to the throne and I will not have you risking your life for a Silvan elf. Is it not enough that I revoked the punishment and sent my best warriors looking or her? Now my heir is demanding to go! No, you will stay here where you are safe, and I will bring you news when we have it. Go."

Legolas turned on his heel and left. Angry and upset once more, he went back to his room and scribbled a note, leaving it on his bed. It read:

Dear Father, I am going with Dilemas to rescue Tauriel. She needs all the help available, and I'm going. Of course I would help a Silvan elf! She is my best friend and I won't leave her. Thank you for sending your best warriors.

Prince Legolas

Legolas then made his way down to the Captain's room. He found Dilemas sharpening his sword. He quickly told the Captain that he would be joining him tomorrow, as his father wanted as many as possible to help.

Then he went to the armoury and took his weapons up to his room to sharpen. He suddenly had an idea, and went back and collected Tauriel's weapons too.


The next day Legolas left with the scouts, and was free. He felt a pang of guilt at lying to his father, but carried on regardless.

Hold on Tauriel. I'm coming. And I love you.

Thank you all for reading this! Please tell all your friends and followers if you think they will like it. 😊 Thank you all so much!

Will Legolas be able to rescue Tauriel?

Next chapter: Tauriel's situation gets even worse!

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