Chapter 12 - Blood

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Thank you so much to everyone reading! I really can't believe that so many people like it! You are all amazing and thank you so much!

Thanks Cynarr  @MOStar598 PackWolfLegolas  EstelElfstone  Definitely-Lost  Jaya-Avendel  WeAreMellyn  and everyone else who has been commenting and voting!

Tarion was angry. After careful planning for 100 years, she had failed him. Stupid elleth. He had spent so much time working on every detail, and Tauriel had failed. How could she make such an error, taken captive by orcs! They would surely kill her, and then his only connection with the world would be lost. Lost in the Void forever, never to reach Valinor. His crimes had cost him that much.

But the delight of it, of blood and pain and death. He loved the adrenaline of chasing down a victim, of watching the light fade from their eyes as their lifeblood drained away. Evading capture, joining the crowds of elves staring in horror at his work. Never knowing it was him. Until they had caught him. The guards had been waiting for him. The King was no fool, he knew that the murderer would come for him. Tarion wouldn't let Tauriel make the same mistake. Only she had.

And even if the orcs didn't kill her, he would have to make her see the good of following in his footsteps, of becoming his second chance. He couldn't rush it. If he did, he knew she would push him away, and once again, his spirit would be lost. But before he worried about that, he had to help her survive this. Unable to take a physical form, he could only give her strength to last as long as she could. Hopefully that Princeling would come and rescue her after all. If not, she would die, and he would be alone again. This time, forever.

Tarion was disturbed from his thoughts by the sound of heavy, clumsy feet on the corridor outside, getting closer. He recognised them as orc footsteps, and knew what was coming. Two orcs entered the chamber, one bearing a barbed whip. Tauriel was already weak, and Tarion knew that without his help, she might not survive this. Gathering strength from the void, which was ever close to his spirit, he channeled it into Tauriel's fading body. It was effortless, really. There was plenty of strength in the void.

Tauriel stirred with the new strength Tarion gave her, a burst of light in the constant night of her exhaustion. She fought against the orcs as they tied her hands up, above her head, her feet barely touching the floor. The barbed whip came back, lifted high into the air, and then cracked down on her bruised back, biting deep into her flesh. Over and over, the whip was raised and brought down, leaving bloody scars in its wake. Tauriel fought the pain with all her strength, which was replenished just as quickly by Tarion's never ending supply from the void. The blood pooled on the floor, dripping down her ravaged back to collect at her feet. But the orcs were using all their strength to hurt her, delighting in her pain, and Tarion was delighting with them. He loved pain. It was sweet and perfect. He allowed his spirit to detach itself from the body of Tauriel, abruptly cutting off her supply of energy, as it had started to hurt him too. Her pain was so great that it could break the barrier between the void and the world of the living. So much power inside pain. He loved it. And here, in this tiny room carpeted in blood, there was so much of it.

Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed it! I am also really sorry that the update is so late! I've been unbelievably busy this week and aim to update every three days from now on! Please comment if you enjoyed and vote too! 😉

Next chapter: Legolas loves Tauriel!

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