Chapter 6 - The Law

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Tauriel woke up with a pounding headache. It had built up steadily behind her eyes and was by now nearly unbearable. She felt as if thousands of elves were beating thousands of drums and all the noise was crammed into her brain. She also had a large bruise on the back of her head where she had been knocked out and she could feel
a black eye forming. As well as all this she had all of the bruises from her fight with Dilemed.

Dilemed. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange room that she didn't recognise. No, a cell. Then she remembered everything that had happened, and how the voice, the voice that she had hated, despised for demanding that she kill Legolas, had saved her from the bullies, and she felt gratitude. Whoever that voice belonged to, they must surely be someone great.

However, looking around, Tauriel realised that she had more urgent things to think about than the mysterious voice. She was in a cell in he dungeons of the Woodland Realm, and she had almost killed someone. She was overwhelmed by shock that she could have done such a thing. She had come very close to being what she had always been called: a murderer.

Well, if you've always been called one, what difference does it make if you are one? He really deserved it anyway. You should be proud of what you've done. The voice was back.

"How could you say that?  If makes all the difference! I can't - I can't-"

Murder someone? Why not?

"I am not my father. I won't be like him!" She screamed.

Of course not. But didn't the boy deserve it?

"Well, yes, I suppose that he deserved something. But death, no. He didn't deserve that!"

Do you regret it then?

"What? He's not- he's not dead is he? Oh, by the Valar, if I've killed someone, I really will deserve to die!"

No, he's not dead. He would have been, if the Prince hadn't knocked you unconscious.

"Has he been to see me? The Prince?"

Yes. He's standing right outside the door. He probably think you're crazy, talking to yourself.

Tauriel turned to the door in horror.

"Legolas! I-I-I don't want- I'm sorry- I- what are you doing here?"

Legolas looked at her, a cold look on his face that Tauriel had seen before, but not on Legolas' face. He looked like Thranduil. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach, then rose suddenly to her throat. Choking back tears, she watched his cool gaze fix upon her.

"I came to see you." There was a cold note in his voice, once again making her think of the King.

"What's happening to you?" The coldness melted away, revealing Legolas' true feelings of worry and confusion below.

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"I am." But then her voice shook, "What's going to happen to me? I don't know what happened, I was so angry..." Her voice trailed off and the tears that had been building up in her eyes spilled over, and she cried, wishing for the comfort of his arms but unable to reach him through the cold bars.

"Tauriel, I don't know what's going to happen. I- Ada wouldn't tell me. I will support you through whatever happens, and I-I-" his eyes also began to fill with tears, "I want you to know-"

"Prince Legolas! Your father awaits you!" A loud call echoed down the corridor, cutting of Legolas mid-sentence.

"I have to go." Legolas turned and sprinted towards the throne room.

What in Arda could Thranduil want now?

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