Chapter 11 - Lost

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Thank you to @Ashgreenleaf who has started to read!! Also thanks Cynarr  Jaya-Avendel PackWolfLegolas EstelElfstone Definitely-Lost and everyone else who is reading! Please comment and vote if you enjoy!

Tauriel was struggling to even take a step. Her exhaustion was pressing down upon her consciousness, crushing her until she could barely stand. She had no idea where she was going, except away. Away from the Woodland Realm. Away from the bullies and the guards. Away from Legolas. She hoped he wasn't too worried about her.

There was nobody left for her. Even the voice had stopped talking. She tried to ask it where she was, but it was angry and sarcastic.

"You fool! You've wandered off and now you have no idea where you are!"

Tauriel sighed. They had been through this before.

"It was your idea!" She protested.

"How can it have been? I'm just a voice inside your head."

Unable to argue with this, Tauriel struggled on. Through the trees ahead of her, she saw a glade, filled with sunshine and with a huge oak twisting up into the sky. It was beautiful.

Mind overwhelmed with exhaustion, she slumped down at the base of the huge oak, and let darkness blanket her consciousness.


I am standing in the same snowy emptiness as before. The voice is there again, on the wind, and I feel afraid, even though I'm used to it now. I know Legolas will come. He'll come and wake me. It will only be a dream. I wait and wait, blocking out the voice as best I can. I wait longer. I can no longer feel my fingers, or my nose. Where is he? I keep waiting, but doubt begins to nag at me. What if he never comes?


Legolas never came. Tauriel thought that she would be left alone for eternity, a thought that she could hardly bear to let into her mind. Still half-asleep, she was brought back to reality as a harsh crack sounded through the still air. Looking up sharply, her hart sank at the sight of a huge orc towering over her. Her bow had been snapped over one knee and now lay discarded to one side.

She was caught.

Attempting to shake of the rough hands gripping her shoulders, Tauriel writhed in the orc's grasp. An order was shouted in orcish, and she was half-marched, half-dragged to the mouth of a tunnel, seemingly leading deep underground. The orcs split into two groups, half went back the way they had come, and the other's dragged Tauriel into the tunnels. As they went deeper underground, and felt a horrible pain in here hear as she began to fade.


Legolas' POV

The scouts had searched every inch of Mirkwood, with no sign of Tauriel. Legolas wondered miserably how he could have let this happen. How could he let his father treat her like that? His best friend, ran away because of his father. Because of him.

His best friend. His only friend. But as he thought it, he began to realise that she was more than that. He could feel something else, a stronger and more passionate bond, one that would reside his world to the highest peak, or bring it down to the lowest dungeon. It had gripped his heart and would never let go. It was like an invisible string, this bond, coming straight from his heart to hers, wherever she was. Because she was lost. And that was masking the flow of this new feeling. It was new. He had never felt like this about anyone, even his father. Could it be...


Thank you to everyone who is reading! I'm sorry it's been so long but I've been SUPER busy lately!

Tauriel is starting to fade! Can the scouts find her before it's too late? And Legolas is starting to realise that he loves Tauriel!

Next Chapter: Tarion's POV!

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