Chapter 10 - Goheno nin

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So here Thranduil and Legolas realise that Tauriel is missing! Thanks to everyone who is reading and commenting and voting! Especially thank you @Ashgreenleaf for adding this to your reading list! Also thanks Cynarr who has started reading!

Thranduil sat upon the great throne, boredom filling him almost at once. There was nothing to do today, no meetings, no paperwork, and Legolas was busy, hunting.

Settling down, he hoped that something more interesting than his average day would happen, something he could spend his day organising. Like if Lord Elrond wanted to visit, perhaps? Sighing he sat back in the throne and hoped.

And he wasn't disappointed.

"My Lord, I'm afraid that there is something you must know about. I know you are very busy, but this is extremely important."

Captain Dilemas stood before him. His usually calm expression showed signs of worry and stress.

"Yes Captain?"

"The girl, My Lord. Tauriel has disappeared. The- the window was open, sir."

"You didn't post guards outside the window? You have shown no planning in your work, Captain, and this is your fault. As you know, I will not suffer incompetence from my Captain of the Guard!"

Thranduil's temper exploded. If an elfling could get the better of these guards, Dilemas' own apprentice and Tarion's daughter, then surely anyone could! How dare she escape!

How dare Tarioniel even try to escape! How dare she! Why, he had all but saved her life after the attempted murder of the cousin of his Captain! And she had run away! Why?

But then he thought of all the things she must have been through. Bullied for years, and he had turned a blind eye. And now, imprisoned with the pretence at freedom, a torture just a little out of her grasp. And her lessons. He had purposefully put her with Aithon, who he knew distrusted her. He had posted letters to the Lords and Ladies of the towns in Mirkwood, warning them of Tauriel. Her life had become a living hell. And he was the devil.

Putting his head in his hands, he sighed deeply. This was all his fault. Legolas has tried to warn him, but, oh, he had been so blind! He had to fix this.

Dilemas stood before him once again, taking orders this time.

"Send out 4, no, 5 search parties. Scout out the whole of Mirkwood. Use your best warriors. An elfling could already be dead. You must find her!"

Dilemas just nodded briefly, and left quickly to begin.

When I hoped for something exciting to happen, I didn't expect this!


Legolas' POV:

Legolas ran for the throne room. How dare his father cause Tauriel such misery that she ran away? How dare he! Legolas was determined to rescue her, and if his father refused to send out a search party, he would go himself!

Marching into the room, he began the speech he had thought out on his way here.

"Ada, what in Arda were you thinking? How dare you treat my best friend like that! It's your fault she ran away! Yours! And now I might never see her again, and you will be at fault! She's not the murderer, you are! And if you don't care, just because she is a silvan elf, then I'm going myself. If you don't send out a search party, you are not fit to be King! You..."

He trailed off as Thranduil held up his hand and spoke in his usually calm tone.

"Relax, ion-nin, it is done. There are, in fact, 5 search parties out there at this moment, looking for her. It is done."

Legolas gasped. His father... cared! And, well, it had been years since his father had called him ion-nin! Perhaps his father's heart, frozen by the death of his mother, was finally beginning to thaw.


Tauriel's POV:

Oh Valar, where am I?

Thranduil is finally starting to warm up to Legolas! And Tauriel! Thank you again to everyone reading, commenting and voting on this!

Next chapter: Tauriel is lost, and things take a turn for the worse!

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