Chapter 7 - Decisions

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Legolas sprinted to meet his father. Why do interruptions always have to come at the worst moments? Scowling, he pondered what his father could want. It couldn't be as important as what he had been about to say...

Pushing the thought away, he marched into the throne room, only to take a step back at the force of Thranduil's stare. However, when he saw his son, his face softened, and Legolas re-entered the room, cautious.

"What in Arda do you want?" He fumed.

"I thought you might be interested to know I have made an important decision. It concerns- well, it concerns," he paused briefly, and Legolas felt the suspense hanging in the air, "It concerns Tauriel." He finished.

" What about her? What is it?"

"I have decided that you will be the one to decide her punishment. Mind you, it must be something suitable. Do I make myself clear. You will decide what her punishment will be."

"By suitable you mean..?"

"Well, as I am sure you understand, she deserves a punishment. So, naturally, there must be one. One that will teach her to hide her instincts."

"But Adar, I can't punish her! She's my best friend!"

"Legolas, you shouldn't waste your time with Silvan elves. And anyway, I have something more important to tell you. But I will wait until after the matter of Tauriel's punishment has been settled."

"Adar I can't hurt her like that! I'm sorry!" And with that, Legolas turned on his heel, with the intent of telling Tauriel what had happened, but was stopped in his tracks as he saw Captain Dilemas approaching him.

"Your Highness." The Captain bowed, his respectful words delivered with a hint of mocking.

"I am here to help you decide the punishment."


Legolas sat alone on his room. His heart ached with sadness at the thought of hurting Tauriel. Will she ever forgive me? But I don't have a choice, do I? Captain Dilemas had all but forced him to his final decision. He could barely believe this was happening.

Tauriel's POV

Tauriel sat in the cell, counting the marks she had made in the wall. One for each time someone smirked at her, or looked at her as if they knew that it was right for her to be in here. As if they'd been waiting her whole life for this. It took her a while to count them, and to pick out the marks she had made from the countless other ones covering the cell. 54? No, that one was hers too. 59.

Sighing, Tauriel turned back to the door. Was Legolas coming back? Was anyone coming to see her?

Don't worry. Someone's coming. Right now.

The voice was becoming more and more familiar, even comforting at times, and Tauriel was beginning to believe that it was her only friend in the darkness of the cell. Legolas wasn't coming back.

Just as she opened her mouth to reply to the voice, she saw who it was that was coming. And her heart sank to the pit of her stomach.

Sorry about the short chapter! Please comment and vote and keep reading!

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