Chapter 9 - Truths and Lies

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Tauriel was free! Legolas ran up to her room, taking the stairs two at a time, happiness well in his heart. His letter had worked! But then he thought of the missing half of his father's letter, and hoped that Tauriel was ok. Finally reaching the door, panting for breath, he raced towards it, smiling, but his way was blocked by two guards outside her door. By the Valar, what a waste of guards!

"I am here to see Tauriel. I hear she had been released."

"I am sorry your Highness, but no visitors are allowed. By order of- King Thranduil."

"What! But I'm her best friend! Don't be ridiculous! Of course I can see her!"

He tried to push past the guards, but they held their spears firmly.

"No visitors, Hír-nín. I cannot allow you to pass."

"As you wish."

Legolas turned on his heel and strode angrily down the corridor. Tauriel's room had become her prison cell under the cloak of a false freedom. Disgusting.

He stormed out of the palace, and ran around until he was standing beneath Tauriel's window. He threw a stone at it, making sure that he didn't throw it hard enough to break it. Tauriel immediately came to the window, opening it for him and throwing down the rope they always used to sneak into each other's rooms. He climbed up gracefully and as he neared her, he saw that her eyes were red and there were tear streaks in her cheeks, as if she had just stopped crying.

"Tauriel, what's happened?"

She turned to him, blinking back fresh tears.

"Don't you know? I would have thought you would be the first to know. Seeing as it was you who decided the punishment."

She spat out the words, and the betrayal in her voice was heartbreaking.

"Tauriel, I wrote a letter to the King. I told him I wouldn't do it."

"You're lying! I know it was you who decided!"

"In my letter I put a suggestion. I sai-"

Tauriel cut him off, "So you did decide! I knew it!"

"No Tauriel, he twisted my words. I told him that the distrust of the whole palace was enough. He said that the distrust of the whole kingdom was. And then he went in to say that someone so distrusted couldn't train as Captain. He twisted my words, mellon nin. I promise."


"I promise."

She paused, considering, before nodding and sitting down next to him in the bed. She meant her head on his shoulder, and he felt the courage to ask the question burning away inside him.



"I need to ask you something."

She pulled back.


"Why did you attack Dilemed?"

And she told him. She told him about all the tears of bullying, all the comments and beatings.

"And you never told me?"

Legolas was shocked. Tauriel had been through so much, and he had always thought that she had no secrets. He pushed his rising temper down.  Tauriel needed him to understand. And he did. He felt hot tears on his shoulder, as Tauriel cried. He held her until all her tears were gone, and waited for her to be ready to speak. When she did, her voice was stronger.

"Legolas, I don't want to have any more secrets. Ever."

"Of course. I don't have any, do you have anything else you want to tell me?"

She paused. There was something. He waited, hoping she would tell him, but his heart sank as her shoulders slumped and she said, "Nothing." And that was it.
Tauriel's POV:

Tauriel couldn't keep any more secrets. But she hadn't told Legolas about the voice. She thought with misery of the days to come. Her life here was a living hell, bullying, the distrust of everyone, she felt their hatred melting her down. And her room was a prison cell. She had to escape.

Yes. This is horrible! How can you live like this, like a peasant?

"I'm not a peasant!"

I know. So leave. Others will treat you better. Sindar elves are so haughty! You should leave! Quickly!

"But what about Legolas?"

Never mind. He's just like them. Hurry up and go!

"He's different. He trusts me!"

Are you sure?


Now go!

Tauriel grabbed her clothes and warm winter clothing and stuffed them into her bag. She pulled on her cloak, and fastened her quiver around her waist. She grabbed her bow and quickly climbed out of the window. Once on the ground, she ran.
Tarion's (spirit)'s POV:

I see that she is learning. She is becoming easier to persuade. Soon, maybe. Far away without Legolas to stop her. Good.

Quite a long chapter at 831 words! I hope you enjoyed! Please comment and vote on this if you enjoyed! All feedback (positive and negative) is appreciated!

Next chapter: Thranduil and Legolas realise that Tauriel is gone.

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