Chapter 15 - Freedom is Near

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Sorry that it's been so long! I have decided that I will now update this story at least 1-2 times a month! So at least now you know it will be a long wait. Sorry again for taking SO long! Anyway, here's the chapter:

Legolas stepped inside the filthy tunnel. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest, he was surprised that Dilemas had yet to make a comment on it. But the Captain knew his place, and stood close behind him, scanning the wretched cave for signs of a trap.

The cold was surprisingly biting, for a sheltered cave. It seemed to chill the Prince, right to the heart. As he stepped carefully over the strangely soft earth, he was startled more than he cared to admit by a loud crack from somewhere behind him.

It sounded like - no, it couldn't be - but. he could tell from the startled cry that followed it that it was - 


Cringing inside, yet carefully keeping his expression unchanged, he set his jaw and waited in the tense silence that had fallen over the group. Perhaps they had been lucky, the orcs could be in a cave far beneath their feet, unable to hear what was happening above them, but when he heard the faint sound of heavy footsteps from somewhere in front of him, it only confirmed his suspicions. The orcs were not a long way beneath them. They were right here, and they were ready to attack.

Cursing whatever fool who called themself an elf, he drew his two knifes, their handles worn smooth from use and practice. He could sense that the party behind him were following his lead, waiting for him to strike. But he didn't know where. His eyes could pick up the hulking shapes of the orcs skulking in the deepest shadows and their eyes seemed to glow with anger and hatred as was seldom seen among creatures of nature. Turning slowly, he gave a quick, sharp nod to Dilemas, and struck out with his blades singing through the chill air.


Tauriel's POV

The whip was raised high in the air, and the orc holding it was grinning with pleasure as he prepared to bring it down onto Tauriel's ruined back. She braced herself for the impact, for the searing pain that felt that it may never stop, and refused to scream. But the blow never came, and, though unable to turn her head to see what had happened, she heard the soft splash as the whip fell from his hand into a pool of blood. Not daring to imagine that Thranduil might have sent a party to rescue her, when after all, he was the one who drove her to her decision to run away. And even if she did go back, nothing would ever be the same. Let alone stopping her training for 6 months, she doubted she would ever be able to train with Dilemas again. Not that she would miss him, more the opportunity that had seem to await her at the end of the training. A life where she would not only be judged for who her father was. A life where she had power. But she was now wondering if she would ever even see the outside of the dungeons ever again. She would be imprisoned for disobeying the King. Legolas wasn't coming to rescue her.

But - where had the orc gone? From above her, she heard the distant sound of blades clashing together. Perhaps there was something fighting the orcs - perhaps something would rescue her. But a darker thought also crossed her mind - what if this something would be just as likely to hurt, or even kill, her as the orcs. A deep feeling of dread began to build up inside her, but she was helpless to do anything but listen to the battle above her head and hope that she would be free. And yet the tiniest spark inside of her kept telling her that maybe, just maybe, it was Legolas. She clung to this tiny spark of hope in the endless dark pit that seemed to be her existence. Please, Legolas, please.

You don't need Legolas. You have me. I am the one who has got you through this so far, I am the one who kept you fighting, I am the one who gave you hope. Come on, elfling,  you know I'm the reason you're alive. Forget about Legolas. Kill him if you have to. Live your own life. Fulfil your destiny.  Follow in my footsteps. Come on, elfling. You need to do this. Just kill him. He is a danger to your reign of power. That's why you wanted to become Captain of the Guard, isn't it? Power. Power is the key to how you become who you were always meant to be. Just kill him, Tauriel. Once you do it once, you'll understand. Waste no time. You need this, remember.

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