Chapter 5 - Would she?

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Sorry it's been a while! If you are reading this then please let me know! Also any votes and comments are appreciated! Enjoy...

Legolas watched as Tauriel strangled Dilemed, her anger showing in every inch of her body. He only watched for a moment, but he could see that she was not herself. Why would she do something like that? She would never prove everyone right and become her father. Would she?

Legolas wasn't going to let Tauriel kill Dilemed, just because she was angry. He ran forward, pushing his way through the crowd of people watching. Witnesses he thought. They are all going to be able to verify that Tauriel did this. Finally reaching the front, Legolas moved around to a position where Tauriel couldn't see him. He stepped suddenly towards her and hit her hard in the temple. Her hold on Dilemed was immediately broken, and her unconscious body fell to the floor.

The crowd was cheering. Legolas wasn't. His best friend was almost a murderer. What had happened to her to make her do something that she would never do? Legolas didn't even know Dilemed well, but he knew that he was related to Captain Dilemas, and that he was in Tauriel's class at school. He couldn't imagine what the elfling could have done to provoke Tauriel in such a way.

And he was angry too. Angry with Tauriel for getting herself into this mess, angry with the crowd for cheering when he hurt his friend, angry with himself for doing it. He watched numbly as Tauriel's limp body was carried to the dungeons, and wondered what she would think when she woke up. What would his father do to her?


King Thranduil sat on his throne and looked down at his desperate son with a calm but hard frown. He didn't understand what could possibly be so special about the daughter of a murderer. She was turning into her father. He wished Legolas was that similar to him.

"What will you do to her?" His son questioned.

"She will be punished. As would any who attempted murder in my kingdom."

"But how will you punish her Adar? She is only 112! And she is nothing like her father." He spat the last sentence, to the King's disgust.

"That is not for you to know. You are dismissed. Goodbye."
Thranduil leaned back in his throne. His son didn't understand: if he didn't punish the girl, she would do it again. And he couldn't have that. Legolas had a lot of growing up to do before he became King.


Legolas stormed away from the throne room, anger boiling inside of him. Why could his father not tell him what he would do to Tauriel? He shook his head, trying to clear it, but only succeeded in starting the beginnings of a headache. He decided that he should go down to see if Tauriel was awake, but had no idea what to say to her.

Finally reaching the bottom of another long flight of stairs, the Prince turned to the nearest guard.

"Where is Tauriel?" His voice came out colder and harsher than he had expected, but he put it down to his anger. Still, the guard looked rather taken aback.

"I am sorry my Lord, have I done something to upset you?"

"No. I am sorry. Where is she?"

"I will show you, your highness."

The guard led Legolas down past cells that he did not care to look into, full of murderers and traitors. This is where Tauriel wants to work? He thought absently. Just then, the guard stopped and pointed to a cell, a few steps away.

"She is in there, my Lord. Is there anything else you require?"

"No thank you, Aithon."

Legolas felt apprehension as he approached the cell. What would she say? He couldn't turn back now, anyway.

Stepping quietly outside the cell, Legolas watched as Tauriel, now very much awake, rocked back and forth, muttering to herself.

He couldn't make out what she was saying, but he heard when she suddenly screamed.

"I am not my father! I won't be like him!

Then she went back to rocking and muttering, rocking and muttering.

Legolas thought that she looked crazy. She was talking to herself, shouting to nobody at all, and rocking in madness. He wondered what she was thinking about, and was about to leave when he heard something. Or rather, didn't hear something. Tauriel has suddenly stopped talking, and was staring right at him.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote if you like this! And thanks Jaya-Avendel for the follow! It means the world to me! Also, if anyone has any idea what Tauriel's punishments should be, please comment!

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