~Chapter 4~

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Eddie's POV~

I got back home and my mom was there. I was hoping she'd go to the store or something so I didn't have to sneak out after I got my bag. 

"Hey mom" I said casually. 

"Hey sweetie, why are you home later than usual?" shit! Quickly make up an excuse Eddie.  

"Umm, my bike, a part came off and I couldn't fix it so I had to walk it home, but don't worry I'll fix it tomorrow" I said. 

"Oh ok" she said. 

"I'm gonna go be in my room for the rest of the night, I got home work I need to do and it's been a long day" I said making up an excuse so hopefully she wouldn't go in my room and see that I'm not there. 

"Ok, don't stay up late" she said. 

"Ok I won't" I said and went to my room. I grabbed my bag that I packed this morning and opened my bedroom window. I tossed the bag out quietly and climbed through the window. I got on my bike and made sure my mom didn't see. She was watching TV so I would be fine. 

I got to Bill's house and dropped my bike next to everyone else's. I then walked up to the porch and rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer. 

The door opened to reveal Ash. Great, she always gives me some hard question to answer before she let's me in. At least they're usually funny or easy. Usually. 

"Hey Eddie, you here for the sleepover?" she asked happily. 

"Ya, what else would I be doing here?" I said and we both laughed. 

"Ya I don't know, anyways, I'll let you off the hook this time since I already know the answer to the question I was gonna ask" she said grinning and opened the door more so I could go in. 

"Umm, ok, what was the question?" I asked nervously as I stepped in. 

"I was gonna ask do you have a crush on anyone but I figured that out earlier" she said acting all innocent. She was a great actor but I could always see right through it. 

"Wait! You mean you know I have a crush on someone?" I just realized what she said. 

"Ya, but trust me, I won't tell anyone, I promise" she said seriously. 

"If you tell anyone I like Will I'll tell Bill that you no longer love him and never wanna speak to him again, and if that doesn't work I'll kill you" I said in a whisper so no one heard. Now that I think about that, it sounds kinda harsh, but whatever. 

"Woah ok I won't, jeez, no need to go all physcho on me. I wasn't gonna tell anyone" she put her hands in the air surrendering. 

"Thank you, how'd you find out anyway?" I asked curious. 

"I like to observe people and see that their okay but I kept seeing you blush and sneak looks at him. It's kinda obvious" she explained. Great! I hope he doesn't know, or anyone else for that matter. 

"Ok, just please promise you won't tell a single soul, promise?" I said and held out my hand for her to shake. She shook it and smiled. 

"Promise" I smiled back at her and she turned around and ran up the stairs. I followed and she walked into Bill's room. I stepped in and immediately started blushing when I saw him. Everyone  is looking, shit! I quickly looked around and saw the only spot was next to him. Not that I didn't want to sit next to him because I do but it would be really awkward, for me at least. 

"Hey Ed's, have a seat" Richie said and patted the spot next to him and Will. Everyone was sitting in a circle but they were a little cramped since Bill's room was small for all of us. 

I sat down and Will smiled shyly at me. I did the same back and looked over at everyone and when my eyes met Ash's she winked at me and I gave her a glare. 

"Hi" Will said kinda quiet. 

"Hi" I said back. 

"So shall we start with the g-games?" Bill said and we all nodded. I had no idea what we were gonna play but it better not be anything like truth or dare or seven minutes in heaven because there's no way I'll be participating. 

A/N sorry this chapter came out only half done for those of you who saw it and hopefully you'll go back and see the updated version but when I first started writing it I accidentally hit the publish button and then turned off my phone not seeing it cuz I had to do something but when I came back I noticed😞 sorry about that💜 hope you're enjoying! 

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