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"Taehyung-ah~" Ji Wook spoke from the video call, looking at his lover boy pouting and hiding half of his face from the camera.

Taehyung didn't reply, he just puffed his cheeks.

"My baby~" Ji Wook chuckled looking at his baby ignoring him. It was about two days since Ji Wook along with the rest of the members left to Ilsan. There has been an unknown source or more like a jealous rival who had been randomly boycotting and attacking Bangtan's memebrs.

And last week the vagues had burnt down one of Bangtan's drugs supply warehouse. Along with burnt ashes and redundant bulks of drugs supply there was an address written in of course the typical way of blood on wall.

It wasn't long until the leaders of Bangtan wanted to face and talk things out with the unknowns. About a hundred of their members were all set to leave, but couldn't without the guide of their leaders. Taehyung along with Ji Wook, decided to go along. As much as Ji Wook hated his baby being in any danger, they had promised to be together under what so ever circumstances. But Jong Suk thought differently, he just didn't want Taehyung to come along, he was to over protective over his little brother. So after a lot of arguing and breaking of Ji Wook's and Taehyung's promise, They left Seoul and reached Ilsan without Taehyung. And here Ji Wook is talking to his baby who ignored and declined all the messages he sent to him in the past days.

"TaeTae, baby I am sorry for not bringing you along. But don't worry we will be back by this week...." Ji Wook sighed, Taehyung still didn't react he was busy staring at the ceiling. It was quite for a while just both of them listening to each other's breathing.

"He looks like a blue parrot...Would you come fly to me?" Ji Wook started singing softly.

"I want some good day, good day, good day. Good day, good day, looks like a winter bear you sleep so happily" It was the song they both composed when they were young teenagers entering adult life.

"I wish you good night, good night, good night. Good night, good night. " Ji Wook said knowing all the words sang were all true. Taehyung was his first love, making all his bad days and nights disappear.

"Winter bear, oh, oh. oh, oh.........winter bear..." Ji Wook ended the song looking at Taehyung who had his eyes closed. He smiled and whispered.
"my one...sleep without any worries and when you wake up I will right beside you....good night my little bear."
Ji wook was about to Press the end button but stopped as a urgent voice spoke through the phone, along with it the camera moved.
"I love you!" Taehyung said quickly and with worry flashed over his face.

Though Ji Wook knew Taehyung's silent treatments last for about two days or so, he never forget to tell the elder that he loves him. Ji wook noticed the tiny specks of tears in his lover's eye and his heart fluttered.

"oh my baby.....I love you too, don't you cry. I am not gonna leave you, now sleep my ange."
Ji wook said, they both started at eachother until finally taehyung's eyes fluttered and he drifted off to sleep.

And that was the last video call they ever had. They talked for about three minutes in the next two voice call. And it all ended when Taehyung received a voicemail....
"My Tae. Baby its been a while since we talked and the distance to be fucking honest is killing me. So far we figured out that these people who have been attacking us want more than just revenge.it's probably some rivalry our families had in the past. But enough if this dumb war- oh you know we are gonna come back soon. I can't wait to see you my life my bear my baby my ange....my love. Get ready baby cause as soon as I return
I am gonna marry you right the second I see you again. I love Kim Taehyung."


Taehyung woke up with tears in his eyes. A huge lump in his throat as he hiccuped.

This was the first time he had this dream. The irony of the sweets moments and words said in the dreams brought pain to him.
Day time dates, long night talks. Abundance of kisses, making of love. Screams of childishness, laughter of silliness. All the vows and promises made were now broke apart.

It hurts Taehyung's heart how I will never leave you and I will always love you instantly changed to....
I left you and I loved you.

He rose in anger and grieve. The look that a person wanting to kill
Someone matched perfectly with Taehyung's current one.
He left the house and drove to one of their night clubs.
He parked his car and heard a loud scream a scream different than the distant music heard from the basement garage if the club.

He walked towards the voice and found a boy hovering over
A half naked girl.
Taehyung growled and pulled the man's hair.
"what the fuck are you trying to do!?" Taehyung gritted through his teeth, he recognized the male to be from their team because of the BTS tattoo engraved on his neck.
The girl got up straight and tried covering her self with her hands.
"how old are you!?" he asks the girl.
She shut her eyes and stuttered while answering.
"you brought in a girl who is underage to the clubs and tried raping her!?" Taehyung growled again his anger double than before. He smashed the man's head on one of the pillars. A small spot of blood painted on the wall due to the man bleeding.
"Sir.Taehyung I am s-sor-"
"Bangtan doesn't need a member like you" Thats all Taehyung said before he removed his gun.
The commonly used sarcasm turned into reality as the girl saw Taehyung shooting the man in his stomach.
She cried and covered her face to not see such violence.
"Go to any one the rooms in the club and lock the door. Leave the next morning and don't tell anyone about this place or what happened. Or I won't hesitate to kill a girl as young as you" Taehyung said as he handed her his coat from his car.
The girl rushed off and Taehyung informed one of the club mangers to take care of the rotten body.
Killing the man did make a bit calm.
He entered the club and majority of the staff and people bowed to him.
He chucked down whiskey which was served to him.
He was annoyed as he heard an array of whistles and screams from the crowd.
He directed his eyes towards the stage and saw....

Jungkook in silk clothing pole dancing.

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