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{!Mature and Adult Content Ahead!}


"Ladies and Gentlemen, and everyone in this room the most awaited performance for tonight! After the long break of three weeks, he is finally back! He is completely booked for the night, but if someone like you catches his eye he is all yours for tonight!"

The crowd screamed, with bottles and glasses of expensive whiskey and soju in their hands. People pushing towards the stage, turning on their flashlights in the darkness and pointing it towards the centre of the stage, in between of two poles.

"Today he is going to perform 'lover', so without further ado. Please welcome our baby boy K-O-O-K-I-E!"

There were screams and shouts heard along with a chant made by the performing male's fans.




The soft music started playing, and everyone quieted down. Taehyung's eyes squinted as he tried figuring out the person approaching from the darkness to the middle of the stage.

And there appeared Jungkook in a black silk crop top and bondage shorts, his black lace heels clicking on the glass floor and leather gloves fingers snapping to the beat. He is covered with chain bondages that shimmered and reflected across the whole bar due to the flashlights.

Taehyung's breath hitched as Jungkook hands touched over the pole. The song finally began and Jungkook snapped his head with the beat the lyrics playing behind.

The paths of the heart are lonely without me....

The male made a circle around the pole, back facing the audience and bend over touching his ass.

Everyone's eyes are thirsty without me.....

He grabbed the pole, siting on heels and licked a long strip along the pole.

Whoever meets me, sighs and says....

His hands up held the pole as the chorus started.

You have made me your lover....

The beat played and he slut dropped twirling his head

You have made me your lover....

He laid down and moved his ass up and down. His lips started singing along the song.

There is no pleasure or pain of love without me....

He crawled backwards like cat to the pole, rubbing his ass on the cold metal. His teeth biting down his lips and eyes closed teasingly made Taehyung gulp the last sip of his whiskey and few of the male and female moan.

The evenings are lonely without me...

The male got up straight and wrapped his legs around the pole twirling around it from the top.

Your face flows in my eyes...

He gracefully balanced himself with his hands as his hips swayed in the air. Taehyung asked the bartender, a guy named Bogum.

"How long is he been working here?"

Tell me....what games you have played in love?....

"He was before in Busan but last year he shifted here. He was fifteen when he first performed."

I have taken your life away, by calling you my life....

Fifteen? Taehyung thought, he was confused not knowing that Jungkook worked under them for more than ten years.

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