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Sensitive Content Ahead

Parts Based On True Incident


Taehyung woke up early that morning. He and the whole team was planning everything for the evening's attack. They hid extra bullets in their pockets and mini draggers in their boots. Typical.

Soon evening arrived and Taehyung handed over Bluetooth headsets to his little team. They all sat in one of the black vans and headed out for their destination. Just on the outskirts of Seoul near Ilsan was the secret hideout. It was about a twenty-five minutes ride, they arrived quickly at the location and stood in front of the wooden door of the hideout. Around them were locals exploring street foods and cheap items. In a distance was a street karaoke, where loud random K-pop songs were playing for people to come to sing and dance. Taehyung smirked within himself, everything he thought was perfect. They would just go in search for evidence and files, steal it and come back without anyone noticing it.

One of the team members Kang-Dae broke the door down the music overblocking the sound of the break, and they entered the large hideout.

Taehyung frowned looking at the surrounding. There was nothing there. It was dark but there was nothing. Just dust and cobwebs covering the large room.

"What the fuck..." Taehyung whispered, he moved around the room to see just emptiness.

The whole team searched for about ten minutes and left. They arrived home just before dinner, which Taehyung refused to eat. Taehyung pushed passed everyone and locked himself in his room.

"Fuck!" He grabbed a fistful of hair and growled. Everything. Everything was perfect, the timing, the day, the team, the plan. Everything. But yet it failed.

He would want to cry but he wasn't able to. He was sure it was the right location, but there was nothing there.

Did they move out?

Did they know that we were coming?

He sighed, twisted and turned the whole night, unable to sleep.


Jeongguk was late.

He was late again, he arrived home late because of the late-night sessions. Again.

He hadn't eaten yet, he never has his dinner because he just loses his appetite of eating after swallowing all the disgusting semen of men years older than him.

He entered the corridor to see the door of the elevator closing, he could have shouted but he can't, he ran just in time and stopped the door with his boot. People in the elevator rolled their eyes when they saw Jeongguk. Jeongguk just adjusted his jacket and pressed the button eleven. The door closed and Jeongguk rested his head against one of the walls. He saw people leave on the third floor then the fifth floor. The elevator now just consisted of Jeongguk and one other person.

"Hello Bunny~" That voice.

Jeongguk's head whipped back but his sight was covered.

"Uh-huh, not so early bunny, you have to wait to see your new master." The man whispered near Jeongguk's ear.

Jeongguk grimaced as he felt the man's hand travel again, again down his back. Resting again on his ass, massaging it.

No, he can't let this man get his way.

Jeongguk tried pulling away and grunted as in return he was banged against the wall.

"No bunny, don't even try, you are now my fucking thing to play."

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