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Sensitive Content Ahead

Based On A True Incident

Read Note


Taehyung set out a map of the city in front of him, he found out something. He might not be too sure but...he found out one of the rival mafia's group hideout. One thing was sure, that it was the same group, which killed his lover and his team members.

He called out few of his team members and explained them the plan. They were going to attack at night, two members set for distracting the guards, two for lookouts and two with Taehyung to find out evidences inside the hideout. He was sure the plan would work out, as just beside the hideout was a famous market that had random street dances along with karaoke concerts. It was sure going to be too noisy for anyone to notice gunshots.

Taehyung thought it would be better not to tell any of the group leaders until he had the pure evidence.


Jungkook reached home at midnight. Today was a busy day for him. He had two sessions that lasted more than two hours each. In total four hours of sucking dicks and being forced to moan. He just wished he could leave it all behind, but he can't. It has become a part of him.

His childhood was very vague, he was told that his mother was killed. He remembered living with his father and his brother. His father was the leader of a mafia team, later when their team went under a lot of debt...Jungkook was sold off in a prostitution house. He does not know if his brother or his father is alive. Being used up countless times here he is a club dancer and the most wanted bunny to get laid with. 

He took out phone and entered the elevator. His eyes were too focused on the device, he didn't realize that he wasn't alone. Someone was behind him. Someone who had their eyes on the boy from a long time.

Jungkook felt something...it made him jump. He gulped and continued tapped on the screen. It slowly started tracing Jungkook's back sending chills down his spine. It then rested on Jungkook's ass.

Jungkook paused.

It softly grasped it...and Jungkook's whole world fell.

His heartbeat increased...he felt scared.

It slowly massaged it and Jungkook heard moans.

He dared to look up to see a blurred image of his harasser in the mirror.

The door opened with a sound, it squeezed Jungkook one last time and whispered in his ear.

"I'll see you around bunny."

And like that, the harasser left, leaving Jungkook broken.  


Short Chapter, i know i am sorry but i needed for people to understand about the topic sexual harassment.

The content in this chapter is based on a true incident. Many think sexual harassment is better than getting rape...trust me it's not. some give up and commit suicide some don't that doesn't mean it's any better. it kills them from the inside they might act happy but it's still there in them it's imprinted on them. they can't forget about it, every second of their life it haunts them. someone close to them touching or hugging them makes them scared afraid that it's back the harasser is back. 

i know being experienced it's difficult, everyone will tell you to speak up tell someone tell your parents. they think it's easy, it's not. it seriously not. how much ever you gain up confidence and try telling someone it just doesn't happen. it hurts. but it's can't happen.

so i just wanna say please don't say it will be better to speak up, it will only make people label them as 'oh the harassed girl, act kind to her...'. and if you are reading this and have been part of it, then darling i am proud of you.

i am proud of you to not give up to live on.

i am proud of you if you spoke up told your parent and made the person suffer like we all did.

and i am proud of you even if you didn't tell anyone.

cause i know how it feels.

if you are one of them, if you feel like talking about it then please my inbox is always open.

thank you. 

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