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'In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.'
                                                           ~ Genesis 1:1
'In the beginning, there was no beginning.'
                    - Akhenate (The author (me🤗))

It was another day in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The sun, though obscured by the occasional aircraft, blazed happily down on the city. The bright azure sky was dotted with puffy white clouds which rolled playfully on the light breeze that blew in from the sea. Birds glided through the sky and some perched on buildingtops, gleefully dropping their feces onto the heads of unsuspecting pedestrians.

Below, the sidewalks were bustling with people jostling and going about their usual activities and the streets were jammed with vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Horns blared as both drivers and passengers hollered insults and curses at each other. Tempers flared up, ignited by the dizzying heat and the seemingly endless traffic jam that seemed to be a regular occurrence.

All in all, it was a perfectly normal day in the city. So normal in fact, that no one noticed the great banks of mysterious clouds coming in from the south. The clouds, dark and brooding, seemed to be menacing harbingers of doom. No one noticed this anomaly until it was well above the city, blocking the sun and its warmth.

The Ghanaians looked up in surprise for they had noticed alongside the sudden disappearance of the sun, the faint atmospheric smell of rain. This was impossible as they were in the middle of the dry season.

Fat heavy drops, followed quickly by sharp needles of rain, drove the inhabitants of Accra out of the open to seek shelter anywhere they could. From safety, they could only stare up in shock as the torrential downpour transformed into a full-blown storm.

Webs of forked lightning flashed furiously across the sky as if to tear the very fabrics of the heavens apart and thunder boomed so loudly the window panes rattled in fear. Trees were torn from their roots and the sturdier of them bent in submission as the winds whipped across the plains with such tenacity as had never been seen before.

Rivers overflowed their banks, streets and houses were flooded and the water level kept rising as the storm persisted into the night.

When it seemed that such fury couldn't get any worse, it did. For suddenly, the wind picked up tremendous speed and howled with such fury it seemed that the heart of Mother Nature was being ripped from her chest.

Lightning flashed so brightly and terribly that the heavens appeared to be ripped into tatters and, not only the city but the entire world was blinded with a brilliant white light. Thunder boomed as if it was from the very bowels of the earth and the ground suddenly shook with such ferocity, its magnitude brought a few buildings to the ground and caused aftershocks to be experienced years after.

Then suddenly the storm began to subside. The wind lost speed and the flashes of lightning became intermittent before fading into memory. The loud booming of thunder became nothing but a mere whisper before it also finally, became silent.

The rain though took some time, turning from a storm to a steady downpour, then a drizzle before it finally dripped into oblivion. As suddenly and unexpectedly as the storm had arrived thus did it depart. But it will never depart from the memory of Ghanaians because not only was it the greatest storm to be experienced but the destruction it left behind was unproportional.

This storm was the greatest ever to be experienced in the city, nay even the continent. Its like has never been experienced nor will ever be experienced again in Africa.

But the storm did not leave only destruction behind. For in a dark, silent forest, a newly formed crater-shaped hole could be seen. And through the smoke emanating from within, a dark humanoid shape could be made out.

The shape seemed lifeless for a few moments. Then suddenly, it opened it's eyes. And what eyes! They shone brilliantly with such a pure, otherworldly, white light that lit up the entire forest and made the whitest snow and the whitest fleece of the purest lamb seem a muddy brown in comparison.

The glow though became faint and as time passed, grew even fainter before going out altogether.

Hope you all enjoyed the first part. I realised that in my previous note at the beginning of the book I didn't talk about updates. I will try to update at least twice a week but you can remind me when life makes me forget.
Don't forget to vote and comment 🙂.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now