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'And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.'
                                                        -Genesis 1:31

'There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.' 
                                                 -Walt Streightiff


Kodjo made his way steadily through the corridors of the eighteenth floor, an internal debate raging within him. Should he take the stairs or the elevators?

The great conference room was located just three floors above his, making it possible to walk. He needed the exercise but the mere idea of climbing those stairs was enough to exhaust him. His laziness won and he proceeded towards the elevators.

The doors to the elevator slid open to reveal a janitor with her cleaning cart. He gave her a polite smile and joined her in the elevator.

As the elevator began making its steady journey upwards, the janitor started to hum a low lilting tune. A tune that was rich in melody, captivating in essence and, haunting in pitch. It rose slowly above the elevator music to cocoon him in its silky embrace.

Entranced, he took a closer look at the janitor and was suddenly overcome by a sense of familiarity. 'Do I know you?' he asked. 'I feel like we've met before.'

The woman said nothing, only stared at him with an odd expression.

Of course, I must have met her somewhere before. She works in the bloody building, he thought, cringing. She must now think I'm crazy.

The elevator slid open and the woman rolled her cart out, her mysterious tune trailing after her.

Kodjo shook his head in embarrassment and stepped out of the elevator, just in time before it closed.

He remonstrated himself as he walked towards the conference room, meeting a few partners on the way. Not in the mood to engage in conversation, he merely sent a few polite nods at them.

They shortly arrived at the conference room and milled aimlessly about, chatting with each other. The room steadily filled up until almost every partner was present.

The partners took their seats around the massive table with the senior partners, sitting directly at the table. The junior partners sat behind their seniors as they all waited for the commencement of the meeting.

They didn't have to wait long for, a few minutes later, the large oak double doors at the head of the room swung open, revealing the chairman of the firm.

The chairman was a large man with a commanding presence and everyone in the room stood respectfully as he walked with large powerful strides towards the table. They remained standing, waiting for the chairman to take his seat before resuming theirs.

'Good morning everyone,' he began in a booming voice. 'I know most of you are wondering why I called this emergency meeting and the answer is simple. I'm assuming you've all heard of the new public prosecutor, Henry Kofi Addo.' He waited until all heads in the room had nodded. 'Good. Well, I want him.'

The partners all stared at each other in surprise. 'I know what you are all thinking,' the chairman continued in answer to their questioning stares. 'He is a rookie after all so why do I want him? The answer to that question is simple. He has one of the most brilliant legal minds I have ever come across.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now