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A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
                                                   -Proverbs 11:25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
                                               -Audrey Hepburn


They arrived in Kodjo's apartment quite late into the night due to heavy traffic. After the sleeping arrangements were made, they both went straight to bed, tired out after the interesting but exhausting events of the day.

The next morning found Kodjo in the fully lit kitchen, bright from the sunlight streaming in from the full-length windows. He was whipping up breakfast for them both, fully dressed in his classic black suit and tie. El was in bed, still sleeping off the events of the previous day. Kodjo rubbed his eyes tiredly and cast a glance at the clock hanging above the sink.

It read thirty minutes after eight. He debated silently with himself on whether to wake his unexpected house guest or allow him to continue with his slumber. The sudden sound of the showers running, however, ended his debate for him. His client was finally awake.

El stumbled into the coffee-filled scent of the kitchen, hair damp from his shower with tiny droplets of water sliding down his face. In the early morning sun, his golden-brown skin had a soft heavenly glow about it. He mumbled an incoherent greeting and took a seat on the counter.

'You're up late.' Kodjo began in conversation.

'Yes.' El said with a yawn. 'I'm afraid I'm still not used to the limitations of my mortal form.'

Kodjo held himself back from commenting about that, choosing to rather ask, 'What do you think about cereal for breakfast?'

'What's that?' El asked, letting out another yawn.

'It's a kind of... you know what, why don't you just try it,' he replied, pushing a bowl of cereal towards him and handing him a spoon.'

El scooped up a spoonful and sniffed it suspiciously. He shrugged and placed the food in his mouth. He chewed the meal slowly, a curious expression on his face. Kodjo leaned on the counter and watched him closely, wanting to observe his reaction.

'It's... chewy.' El said thoughtfully after a while.

'Well, you better get used to it. I was going to make pancakes but, thanks to your oversleeping, I couldn't as I am now running late for work.'

'Work?' El asked, puzzled.

'Yes, work.' Kodjo replied patiently. 'I am a lawyer as you know, and I have to go to work every weekday in order to survive.'

'What am I supposed to do whiles you are at work?' El enquired, looking lost.

Kodjo let out a small sigh and said, 'I guess you can come with me. You are still technically my client and so part of my work.'

El's face lit up at this. 'But' Kodjo continued. 'That means you have to hurry up with your breakfast.'

He quickly shovelled up his remaining cereal and jumped down from his seat. 'I'm ready.'

Kodjo shook his head in amusement and picking up his keys, led them out of the apartment and locked the door behind them.

Before they could walk down the corridor however, the door opposite theirs swung open to reveal an old woman. She was a small old woman and was wearing a sweater two sizes too big for her. Her thick head of white hair was wrapped neatly in a bun and she held an extremely fat white cat in her arms.

THE CHRONICLES OF GOD: BOOK 1 (Our Father)Where stories live. Discover now